Best day ever?

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Y/n was in his room, making himself some breakfast enjoying his morning, that was until Charlie allowed himself to enter his room.

Y/n: oh no, please allowed yourself in, I don't mind. he says In a sarcastic way

Charlie: I'm surprised I found you here. I would have thought you would be with the Schnee and her team.

Y/n: I do know when to give them space, eggs?

Charlie: no, thank you. I ate.

Y/n: so what can I do for you?

Charlie: are you seriously okay with the fact that you can be hurt and we don't know why?

Y/n: it really isn't that serious, he puts his food in a plate and begins to dig in

Charlie: you can die, and we won't know how you were hurt without being hit by a holy weapon.

Y/n: Well have you consider that maybe the fact we are both 50% humans, I Finally got hurt because of it.

Charlie: but why now after millions of years of not being able to get hurt or even a get cut.

Y/n: I don't know!! He finishes his food putting his plate in the sink.  I'm as confused as you are, but I don't see a problem.

Charlie: he sighs well until we find out what's the cause of it, I'll be intending this school with you for while

Y/n: come on, really? He looks at his face knowing that he can't win, okay fine, follow me we going to talk with the headmaster.

They both were heading to Ozpin office, as they got close to the elevator they stumble upon goodwitch who was surprised to see him

Goodwitch: aa Mr Morningstar what a surprise, why are you here?

Y/n: hello goodwitch, is Ozpin here?

Goodwitch: why yes, oh, who's this?

Y/n: this is my cousin, he's new here and wants to enrol.

Charlie: the name is  Charlie Martin, please to meet you.

Goodwitch: good manners, you should learn from him y/n.

Y/n: yeah yeah whatever so can we see him.

Goodwitch: sure let me just-

Y/n: wait, don't inform him, you know how he gets when there's someone new.

Goodwitch: Ummm, okay?

Y/n: alright see ya the duo enter the elevator heading up

Y/n: really? "Martin"

Charlie: that's my mother's last name.

Y/n: seriously you have a first name as your last name

Charlie: hey I'm proud of that!

after a few seconds, they got out heading to Ozpin office

Charlie: so what do I need to know about this guy?

Y/n: he's no fool it's hard to get things past him, he's weird and serious, they stop at the door. And he gets frightened easily so don't scared him he's looking at the door and takes a deep breath, HEY OZZY!!

He kicks down the door scaring Ozpin

Ozpin: AAA! He's spilling his coffee

Charlie: I thought you said don't scare him.?!

Y/n: I didn't say it wasn't funny Charlie rolls his eyes

Ozpin: so what can I help you with?? He says in an annoyed tone

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