Round 1 (s5)

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Starting where things left off, the eyes of everyone in the manor were glue onto y/n who was standing above them on the stairs looking down at the dead Faunus. Parts of his body, mostly his hands, were still covered in blood. They were quickly startled when y/n moved his head over to look at them. Already something was wrong, his eyes weren't changing back to normal, and he still had this dark pressure exiting his body. Weiss took a step forward, but Ruby lifted her arm, Signaling her to stop. The former heiress look at her shocked leader, confused as to why she will stop her from helping y/n. Unfortunately, her question was going to be left unanswered as the celestial began walking down the stairs. His eyes slowly reverted to their original color, but the pressure was still there, causing them to keep their guard up. Once y/n made his way down, he looks around the room, giving glances to everyone. It wouldn't be a problem if it were just normal looks, but it was pretty troublesome because his eyes were unexpressive, showing no emotion at all.

Y/n: all of you appear to be okay.

He looks down at Penny, who was still unconscious. Without saying a word, he looks at his hands that were drench in cold blood, before letting out a growl. Wanting to get his hands clean, he was about to make his exist, but Ruby speak up.

Ruby: y/n, are you okay?

He wanted to play it off cool, the celestial look at the runt with his signature smirk.

Y/n: I'm perfectly fine, just wanting to get my hands clean.

Ruby: then mind answering what in the world was that thing!?

Knowing that this question would pop up sooner than later, he will have been glad to answer it, but right now, he's nowhere near in the mood to teach another lesson on remnant history.

Y/n: I been giving history lesson all day today runt, I'll tell you all late-

Ruby: No, now y/n!

This outburst surprises everyone in the manor and would have gotten initially y/n too, but that wasn't the case. Annoyed...disrespected... irritated was the emotion he feels which causes him to lose the smirk, and in exchange, a cold glare was now drawn. He clinches his fist as the air around them becomes tense, Weiss not wanting things to get out of hand, she quickly rushes over to y/n.

Weiss: Y/n, we're not trying to get you upset. We just want to know how it is possible that a human was inside of a Grimm.

Though the situation between both y/n and Weiss was complicated, she was able to get through to him; the celestial shakes his head for a moment before looking back at Ruby, this time having his expression change to sincere and apologetic rather than ones before.

Y/n:(sighs) what you just saw was something I  experimented with a very long time ago. When I first create the Grimm, as you all know were born without a soul but were given accessible Will like all things on this planet.

He begins pacing around while having the eyes of the others following him around.

Y/n: but that wasn't enough to keep the humans in check.

Willow couldn't believe what's she's hearing and look towards Weiss for an answer but could see that her daughter was also out of the loop.

Y/n: The humans were making progress and fast; it was only a matter of time before they return to their old ways. I needed to stop them the only way I know how. Create another monster, but this time with a human soul...

Ruby: y/n, you don't mean...

Y/n: Yes, but I used one that was already taken by the Grimm and Morph it. I gave it the ability to adapt itself to its surroundings depending on the type of soul or host it corrupts. It can appear as anything turning it into an unstoppable assassin. People tend to believe one without a soul is the most dangerous on the planet, but it's actually the opposite. A soul is a very powerful thing; it has the ability to become something more, a weapon. That's how aura was created...semblances. But I abandon the project before I could have finished it and destroy everything I knew about it.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now