A Surprise......Party? (s4)

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Y/n return back to the academy, he look around to see if anyone was around, he saw no one so he took out his scroll looking down at his recent message...

Weiss: where are you?

Weiss: are you okay? It's late...

He sighs putting his scroll away, instead of answering he wanted to talk to her. He walks over to team rwby room that had its door open he look inside to see Weiss is sitting in a circle with Ruby, Charlie, Oscar, Yang  and Blake. Ruby and Oscar are sitting in chairs, while Charlie sat between Yang and Blake on Weiss' bed.

Y/n: hey, what's going on here?

Charlie: well look who decided to drop by.

Yang: yeah, Weiss was worried since you weren't answering her messages.

Y/n: sorry, I had something to do.

Weiss: what was it?

Y/n rolls down his sleeves showing his arm was bandage.

Y/n:  our little fight did more damage then I thought, so I had to run down to get it patch up. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get worried.

Weiss: alright... but next time please tell me.

Y/n: I promise; so mind explaining this?.

He moves his finger in a circler motion.

Weiss: We got invited to a party.

Y/n: a party?

Charlie: yup and you won't believe who's it from.

Y/n: your father?

Weiss:(nobs) Only my father would turn a hostile takeover into a fluffy PR move. 

Ruby: On the news, he said he just wanted to break bread and hash things out. Maybe it won't be so bad? We do want the General to start opening up to these people, right? 

Oscar: Yeah, but on his terms. Ironwood's going to be locked in a room at his rival's own dinner party. I know Jacques says he's happy to moderate, but all that really means is he'll be the one controlling the conversation. 

Blake: Not hard to imagine how that's gonna play out. 

Weiss: I still can't believe he won. Robyn was supposed to be the people's champion, wasn't she? (sighs) There's just too many coincidences. 

Yang: You really think your dad might have something to do with Salem? 

Weiss: I think my father would do whatever it takes to win. 

Y/n: The possibility of him rigging the election is already high, getting help from Salem wouldn't be too much of a reach.

Charlie: and getting help by people from the inside is giving them a huge advantage, they are willing to risk everything.

Ruby: And we should do the same.

Weiss: Meaning...?

Ruby: Well, no one knows your dad better than you, and out of everyone going tonight, I'd say you're the only one who could snoop around the house and not be questioned. If Jacques Schnee is up to something, I think we should know what it is.

Y/n: that's a plan I can get on, so when we're leaving?

Weiss: if we're going to go with this plan, I believe it's best for you not to go.

Y/n: excuse me... why?

Yang: you did kinda threaten Jacques.

Blake: and if you're there then who knows what will happen between you two.

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