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The next day turned out to be so much fun with Amina with me. Although she has been teasing me none stop about Humaid and I apparently she saw me sitting on Humaid's Lap and hugging him last night and she couldn't shut up about it.

I had to explain to her that i was just happy that Humaid is making progress but No, she wouldn't listen.

It's been a while since I've had this much fun. Spending the day with Amina has been refreshing. We just spent our morning gisting away and eating. Amina was currently taking her bath while I'm in my room getting ready. We are going to the spa, then the salon then shopping since we are free today we might as well treat ourselves.

I wore my white and black abaya with black jeans and black top. I was only waiting for Amina to get ready now.

I decided to go and see Humaid before Amina will finish getting ready

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I decided to go and see Humaid before Amina will finish getting ready. I walked to his room, the door was closed i didn't bother knocking i just barged in. The moment i stepped in i screamed and closed my eyes. Humaid was sitted in just his boxers.

"What's wrong why are you shouting. I wasn't the one who asked you to just barge in without knocking"

"Well i didn't expect you to be 95% nude" i answered.

"Well I'm your husband. It's not like it's a crime to see me half naked or naked" i can already feel him smirking. "I'm decent now you can open your eyes"

I begin opening my eyes slowly "you know i really don't trust you" he was sitted now with a towel around hiscwaist but still shirtless.

"I never asked somebody to barge into my room did I. And why are you all dressed where are you going to"

"I.... uhmmm......can we go out to the spa"

"You and who?" He frowned.

"Amina and I. We are also going shopping and to the salon" i answered.

"No guys are involved in everything you're doing right?"

"Well not entirely. The hair stylist in the salon is a guy" I'm joking but i only want to see his reaction.

"You can take the salon off the list of places you're going to then. I don't appreciate any guy aside from me touching or even looking at your hair"

"Are you jealous Humaid?" i asked smiling.

"I have every right to be and besides i can do whatever the male hair stylist can do even better"

"Humaid is jelly" i giggled. "Okay jokes apart the hair stylist is a lady an old lady, calm down"

"Better i don't want anyone stealing you away from me"
My heart fluttered at that. I blushed.

"On a serious note though can i Go. Mr. Husband"

"Yes you can sugarplum. Here, take this" he passed his Atm card to me. "Spoil yourself"

"Don't worry i have my card here with me but thank you"

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