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Today is one of the happiest days of my life. Why? Because my sister is getting married and everyone at home is preparing for the wedding.

Let me tell you abit about myself. My name is Amani Farhan. Or Farhan Amani as my friends call me. I am twenty years old and a 300 lvl medicine student jn KASU(Kaduna state university). I am one of the three daughters of Alhaji Farhan Mahmud and Hajiya Fatima Muhammad. I have two lovely sisters. Sister nana and sister Rukky. Rukkayya, My parents were both civil servants and strived hard to make us happy. We aren't exactly rich and we are not poor too we are just a happy middle classed family in Unguwan Dosa kaduna. We live in a duplex enough for us as a family.

Sister nana is the eldest, she is married with two kids Ammar and Khadija. Sister Rukky is the second born and is the one getting Married while i am the baby of the house the last born mom and dad's pet as my sisters call me.

"Amani come help me with my shoes" mom called. Today is the wedding Fatiha and later will be the dinner and then tommorow morning sister Rukky will be taken to her home. I am really going to miss her. The house will not be the same without her. But my favourite cousin Faizah will be moving in with us as she gained admission into Kasu to study accounting a year ago but she was staying in the hostel now she is coming to stay with us so we will be going to school Together that is condusive for me as i will have someone to go to and come back from school with and an age mate to gist with.

Sister Rukky's weddings fatiha is today and later at night is the dinner. And then tommorow morning she is leaving with her husband to Abuja. Her husband works in a business firm in Abuja so thats where they will live. Sister rukky and i have always been super close to each other and it's hard seeing her leave but i am happy for her.

Sister Rukky was dressed in a purple lace gown. She had her makeup done and after the wedding fatiha her husband came around and they took pictures. Before he left to get ready for the dinner which is later tonight.

When it was time for the dinner i got dressed in my baby pink straight gown with maroon headturban. The colour chosen for sister Rukky's friends as Anko. I sat in front of the mirror and did my makeup. I am a makeup artist. I do makeup for money on occasional basis.

After doing my makeup i went to sister Rukky's room. She was already dressed and done with her makeup. I sat beside her and took a selfie with her. I took several pictures and videos of her on snapchat and posted it.

After a while we left for the dinner. I got into my cousin's car and he drove us there while sister Rukky and some of her friends went in the same car.

Once we got to the venue, we settled in our seats. Our table was at the far front close to the bride and groom's seat.

When everyone was settled the event began. I was busy taking videos and pictures when My mom called me. She asked me to get souvenirs for some of her friends as they were leaving early.

I left the hall and went outside to get them from the car. I brought out three souvenir bags each had a memo, A mug , and a perfume bottle.

I was about to go back into the hall and i spotted someone A guy to be more exact. He was wearing sky blue caftan. He had his back facing me but then he turned around. Mashaallah he was a very handsome young man. He had an olive tone skin and a moustache, with extremely black hair. He had beautiful eyes and his lips were so pink he was talking on the phone. He had an iPhone 11 pro max. He was mucular and exudes confidence.

Maybe he sensed my gaze because he looked up at me and our gazes locked, i was mesmerized he had the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes i have ever seen. He looked like he just dropped straight off of a Romance novel.

He stared at me for a while before he smirked and went back into the hall. I held the bags flustered and went back inside too. I can't believe i just acted that way normally i am always not fazed by a guy but this particular one has invaded my mind.

After giving my mom the bags, i searched for my handsome stranger but didn't see him again looks like he left.

I sat back on my seat. My mind drifted off to him again. I can't get him off my mind. Who invited him? Does sister Rukky know him? I kept wondering. Later i was asked to dance with sister Rukky. We danced and cried abit.

Once we got back home,i changed into my pyjamas and went to sister Rukky's room, sister nana was already there. We had a long sisterly chat. We cried  a bit too again. Because I'm going to miss my sister. I asked them if they knew anything about Mr handsome as i am calling him now and they had no clue

I went back to my room and drifted off to sleep with one person on my mind my mysterious handsome stranger.


Heyyo guys I'm back yet again with a new story. Since alot of you blew up my private message to please start the story. So here it is chapter one.

I hope you like it. I really hope you do. Well, i hope i get as much love on this as i did on my first book



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