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After the date last night,i told Anisah abd Faizah everything that happened. Anisa couldn't stop raving about how handsome Humaid was while i on the other hand was thinking of what an amazing date i had although i didn't say much, Humaid did all the talking and i was happy i got to know him even if it was a bit.

I got to school in the morning, i didn't really have any lecture just gisted with my friends to while away time and after that we went back home.


Everything has been going smoothly for the past two weeks, a week after our date Humaid will call me every morning to check up on me, although our conversations where always short, mostly just greetingswe did talk. But since the onset of this week he has not called at all and his phone is off, its like he just disappeared.

The day was Saturday and i was sitted on my bed, with my phone waiting for his text all call. We have never texted each other, only those brief morning calls.

"Babe are you still waiting for him to call?" Faizah asked laying beside me.

" i just feel maybe something is wrong"

"Nothing is wrong my dear. He is just shutting you out"

"Why would you say that. Maybe something is seriously wrong with him"

She rolled her eyes "when will you see that this guy is just playing you"

"You don't know that. I know he has genuine intentions with me so please stop"

" he is just ysing you to get what he wants from his dad Amani open your eyes. I overheard him talking on his phone the last time he came here before he ghosted out with a Natasha and he sounded like he loved her, so wake up and see the writingon the wall"

"We come to the end of this conversation faizah i don't want hear a whiff of it ever again. You are just making assumptions so please spare me the details of his phone call she might have been a cousin for all we know"

"You don't call your cousin's babe or neither do you say i love you babe to them"

"Faizah can you please drop it, i am already upset as it is right now" i said in a calm voice.

"Okay suite yourself don't say i didn't warn you" she huffed angrily and went out if the room.

What if she is saying the truth, is Humaid using me?. I wondered but instantly shook the thought off. No! I am not even going to start dwelling on that thought.

I decided to text him since i can't reach him over the phone maybe he can see my text once his phone is on.

ME~ Hi. It's been a while i haven't heard from you i hope all is well. I sent it and dropped my phone beside me, dozing off to sleep.

Waking up two hours later, it was time for zuhr prayer so i went to the bathroom, performed ablution and began praying.

When i was done i sat on the mat making dua before i picked my phone to check the time and to my greatest suprise Humaid replied my message. I opened it quickly.

~ i am alright been busy with work, i will call you sometime b.

That was a relief, i thought something was wrong with him

Me~ okay I'll be waiting for your call, take care

He was online but didn't reply my message maybe he us just really busy. And what does B stand for, he has never called me anything besides my name so i think that is a typo.

Well atleast I've heard from him and he's fine.


I am back y'all this time for reals.

So anyways i am super excited. But sha Amani is falling my hand can't she see what is going on? But as they say love is blind and stupid.

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