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Ever since i agreed to marry humaid, i haven't for once heard anything from him but it's alright i really don't care what he does with his life it's all up to him but as for me i am happy as i am. I was offered an admission in a university in UK to continue studying medicine. My dad's company is now on its feet his dream has finally come true. I am happy. My dad bought a house for us and we will be moving there soon.
It's a few weeks to our wedding and i can't wait to go to Uk and start school because apparently that is all that matters to me right now.

The wedding preparations is all that is going on now. The groom's parents have told my parent's that they do not need to buy me any furnitures or any other thing because everything will be taken Care of. I told my Dad to say no because i am not doing this for their money but for my parent's.

So our wedding is coming up soon i can't be more excited to start school in UK. That's i am happy about truthfully.

Humaid is picking me up in a while we are going cake tasting i am taking faizah along because why not. I have made a pact to fraustrate his life today.

Once he arrived he sent me a text saying he was here.

"Faizah let's go" i said to her picking up my veil and wearing my shoes. I told my mum we were headed out and we left.

We got outside and there he was sitted in his car looking all smug. I smiled sweetly at him he only smirked.

"Good afternoon ma'am" the driver said
"Afternoon" i said smiling

"Where to sir" he gestured to Humaid.

"The cakeshop" Humaid answered in monotone.
We hopped into the car and the driver began driving.

No one said anything after that. We arrived at the cake shop 15minutes later.

We got off the car and went into the cake shop. We were offered seats and snacks as we waited for the baker to arrive.

"Once the baker gets here you make this snappy i have no time to waste"

"I get to choose everything?" I asked enthusiastically

"I don't give a damn what cake flavour we have at our wedding"

"Okay suite yourself" i said and the baker sat in front of us. He brought with him a catalogue of wedding cake designs for me to choose. And some cake samples to taste.

Faizah and i began tasting the cakes while Humaid was busy on his phone.

Few minutes into cake tasting his phone rang.

~ I'll be there in a bit baby just wait for me.
He whispered  hoping no one heard but i did. And i am going to make sure he doesn't leave any time soon.

"I really don't like all this designs but can i get this design with a bitt more glitter and pink colour.

"We are not having a pink cake"

" i thought you said you don't give a damn about what cake we have at our wedding"

"I said cake flavour for Fucks sake"

"Don't curse around me. I don't like it"

"What will you do if i don't" he countered

"Try it again i dare you"

"Nobody Fucking dares me"

Oh! He just didn't. I used the edge of my shoes to step of his toes.

"Oh! Fuck" he shouted. I pinched him hardly on his arm.

"You will only suffer" i said smiling.

"okay i won't curse around you again. Ughh!. You are mean" he said holding the hand.

"Let's continue" i said.

Two hours laters we were done and ready to head home. I asked the driver to stop at different places to check some things just to waste his time. It's safe to say he was pissed.

Once we reached home i was happy because i heard him talking on the phone saying he couldn't make it.

"Bye hubby". He hissed and i went into the house


Amani on🔥🔥🔥🔥

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