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Getting to my room, i decided to take a shower.
Once i got out of the shower and changed into something comforting, i sat on my reading table typing a report on my laptop for a patient that is getting transferred to another hospital.

I checked the time when i was almost done with the report, it was already 8;pm. I switched of my laptop and decided to finish of the report the next day.

I headed downstairs to check on Farhan and Humaid. I just hope all is well between those two. I might trust Farhan but he can be a bit unpredictable.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs i see Humaid sitted alone.

"Where is Farhan" i asked.

"Your boyfriend left" he said making air quotes at the word Boyfriend.

"Oh! Come on, it was a joke and we really Got you" i laughed

"Yes you did. You should consider acting you are such a good actress" he smiled.

"Yeah! I know I'm awesome,  I was born awesome"

"And people say i am Corky" he rolled his eyes "Anyway I'm just grateful that it wasn't true i would have lost my mind. Let's go out i have something planned for us"

I quietly followed him to the back of the house, the back was covered with a grass carpet. It looked real though you would never guess the grass wasn't real. By the side layed a picnic mat, and a basket on top of it, with lights holding the edges of the Mat.

"A picnic at night?" I asked walking over and seating on the mat. While humaid was on his wheelchair.

"The very best picnic because you get to gaze at the stars" he said looking up.

"Is it even called a picnic?" I asked

"You are the smart one, you are supposed to know more than me darling" he winked at me.

"Oh! Please don't play that card on me" i rolled my eyes

"Since i know you've had dinner, we are just having snacks"

"Oh goodey!" I opened the basket and it was filled with cupcakes, choclates and two cups of chocolate shakes."i thought they were healthy snacks"

"I never said the snacks were healthy." he chuckled

"You need healthy food to get well quicker"

"Well a little sugar won't hurt, will it doctor?"

"No it won't patient, let's dig in" i passed him a chocolate and we began eating.

I was so engrossed in eating that i didn't notice when Humaid took a dollop of whipped cream and smeared it on my face.

"You didn't just do that" i screamed. My face was covered in whipped cream while humaid was busy laughing. I took some whipped cream and also put it on his face and his hair. Before we knew it, it was a full on whipped cream war.

Few minutes and dirty picnic mat later, i layed on the mat laughing heartily.

"You spilled my milshake" Humaid whined.

"That's what you get for messing around with me" i said gazing at the stars. We suddenly became quiet.

"You know today when i thought i lost you, i was so devastated, watching you choose someone else was heartbreaking but then i realised that your happiness Is what matters and if you were happy with, i would have just let you go. The house never felt as empty as it did when i came back and realised that I've lost you. It's true what they say, you only value what you have when you loose it. What happened today made me realise that i am not willing to give up on us. I would fight for us as long i have the strength and the power to because Amani you've made me realise that being kind to others and treating them well is way better than anything else. Being able to give someone hope when they've lost it is something great. I know I've wronged you in the past and forever regret that, But i want youbto forgive me completely this time because i don't think i can live without you, I've never felt this way before but I know for sure that I Love You Amani. I Love You more than words could explain and i it doesn't matter if you don't feel the same for me but I'll wait and keep trying to get you to Love even if that is the last thing i do on earth"

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say.

Finally after a long waitt. What will be AMANI'S reply.

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