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I've been in Nigeria for the past 1week and let me tell you i am enjoying my stay here so much. My parents are all over me. I am being pampered, perks of being away for 3years.

I lay on my bed typing on my phone, i was writing a poem on my phone. I love to write it calms me down.

I know this might come as a surprise but i convinced Humaid to come with me so he can stay with his parents atleast as a gratitude for what he's done for me.

And he and his parents are coming over later, we are having dinner together here.

Humaid has been responding well to his treatment but he still can't walk yet.
Faizah and i are going to the market to get some essentials for Mum for the dish she is preparing.

I was here laying on my bed writing poems while waiting for Faizah, That's how long she has been gone for. I mean how long does it take to have your bath.

"Faizah, you are taking too long" i shouted at the closed bathroom door.

After a while she walked out and walked to the closet.

"You are so pushy Amani" she whined.

"Oh! Not you too, i am not pushy. Just get dressed in the next 3minutes or else"

"See pushy" she muttered.

I went downstairs to the car waiting for Faizah, After a long wait Her majesty finally decided to come out.

"You toom your time didn't you faizah"

"Looking this good takes time babygirl"

"Ohh! Please get into the car" i huffed and hopped into the car. I dropped my bag as i started the car. We drove off.

"So what are we buying"

"Just some vegetables and i am taking some of my clothes to the tailor"

"I also want...." she was cut off by my phone ringing.

Mi Amour♥️♥️. Was written on the screen. I knew Humaid was up to something when he asked me to give him my phone to play a game few days back.

"Mi Amour, seriously!" i asked the moment i picked the phone. I had my Airpods on so i didn't have to be distracted by my phone while driving.

"Good afternoon to you too babygirl, how has your day been"

"Oh! Save it, Anyways i am fine. Any reason for the call?"

"Can't i just call my wife because i miss her"

"Hahaha very funny"

"I honestly called to know how you are"

"I'm Fine Humaid. How are you feeling, i hope you've taken your drugs"

"I'm fine don't worry your pretty head about me"

"Well thank God, how is your Physiotherapy going, any improvement"

"You can't wait to get Rid of me can you" he laughed. I know he only meant it as a joke but i felt bad. He thinks I'm only worried about him because i want a divorce from him.

"You know that's not the reason i am asking, i care about you, you've grown on me, you are an asshole yes but you are still human"

"I know it was only a joke loosen up Amani, I've grown on you? Huh! Interesting" he said i can tell he was smirking.

"That's all you got from what i said"

"It's what i wanted to hear"

"Humaid!, bye"

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