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I have been out of coma since yesterday but i still can't process the fact that i am paralyzed temporarily the doctor said but i still feel hopeless. I've seen people who had temporary paralysis and still couldn't walk for 5years. I really hope i am fortunate enough to overcome this in a few months. Since i have been up, Amani has been at my beck and call, tending to me, giving me words of motivation. I can't believe she would do this seeing how much i have wronged her.

One of the nurses informed me that she has been taking care of me nonstop for 6months since i went into coma, and to top it off, she has been doing it alone, juggling her work, her life and taking care of me. And i got to know that she was a doctor also, This only shows how much of an amazing person she is. But i couldn't see that, i treated someone so kind hearted so badly and she never for once complained.

Amani walked in suddenly, she has been here only once since i woke up.

"Hey" she said


"How are you feeling today Mr Humaid,  i hope all is well. Tell me if you feel anything even if it's a slight headache"
I was stunned she was acting so formal with me as if i was just another patient and not her Husband. Do i even deserve to be called her husband?.

"I am good but you know you don't have to act all formal with me. And i feel slight pains in my left arm"

"I am sorry to hear that sir, i will call one of the nurses to give you some painkillers. Is that all sir?"
This was killing me slowly, had i hurt her that bad?.

"I am fine Amani the pain isn't that bad.
I can handle it" i was adamant on not being formal with her.

"You still need painkillers sir, I'll tell the nurse on my way out. Please take the drugs the doctor gave you, eat, and have some rest" she said and she left.

Once she was outside i heard Natasha's voice.

"Hello dear Amani i was told that my hubby was up"

"No he is not, those are just rumours" i told all the doctors, nurses and everyone else not to inform anyone that i was up not even my parents.

"Well, i should go then. I can't come vack here until he is healthy because i can't be with a vegetable. So bye my boyfriend is waiting outside for me. Once he is up, please do call so i can be here and i can receive my car and the trip to Hawaii" Natasha said and i heard heels clicking, i guess she left.

I couldn't believe my ears, Natasha was only with me for my money. The natasha i left my wife for. She is a golddigger just like everyone said. I should have listened. And now My wife is ignoring me because of her. "My WIFE" it feels weird to say that, i know i have hurt Amani in unimaginable ways but i will make everything right with her surely.

I can't believe after everything i did to her she was still by my side when i needed someone more than anything else. She walked in just after Natasha left.

"Your Wife was here"

"WIFE!, that golddigger is no wife of mine. And i heard everything"

"Let's celebrate Mr. Humaid has finally opened his eyes to everything that os happening around him" she said clapping but she was rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

I chuckled at her act, she was cute effortlessly. Once she heard me chuckle, she looked stunned, i have not as much as smiled since i woke up.

"I'm glad you find what i said funny mister but i have to call your parents and tell them you awake"

"No, Don't! I'll tell them myself, give me your phone please"

"Okay" she said and passed me the phone before leaving.

She had already unlocked the phone, it was an iphone 11pro max.

Her wallpaper was a photo of her, she looked beautiful in it.

I quickly dialed my mum's number, it was saved as Mum❤. I smiled at that.
My mum picked up after a few rings.

"Amani!, my dear  how are you"

"Mum" i said not sure what else to say.

"Humaid?" She said in an unsure tone.

"Yes mum it's me". Ahe burst into tears.

"My son you are up, finally, Mashaallah. How are you son, do you feel any pain? Can you remember everything? Is everything alright?"

"I am fine mum, i have been up since yesterday and the doctor's have done all the necessary tests on me and i am all clear. I feel slight pain in my arm though but, i will be given pain killers"

"Where is Amani and why didn't she call us"

"I asked her not to i am still trying to process the news"

"What news?" Mum asked eagerly.

"Mum, i am paralyzed, from my legs down" it was hard for me to say it out because i don't fully believe it.

"YOU ARE WHAT?" She shouted " i am telling your dad right now and we are coming over there in the next few hours"

"You really don't..." she cut the call before i could say anything else.

I sighed, i really want to be alone. I still have to process everything. Amani came in and took her phone and i was left alone i slipped into a dreamless slumber.


Hello everyone, so this isn't the way i wrote this chapter but since wattpad deleted, here is version 2.0🤣🤣🤣. I hope you like it.

So Humaid is paralyzed temporarily, hmm🤔let's see what the future holds for him.

How have you been enjoying this book so far? I was told it was better than Laila, what do you think?

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We are almost at 2k reads woww🤯🤯.

Stay safe🌸🌸

Love you all❣


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