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Its been two weeks since we came back to the Uk and life can't be more peaceful. I feel as if  this peace is much deserved. I don't have to think of anything just myself, my job, my family and friends. If my life in the past three years had been this peaceful i don't think i would have been the happiest woman on earth. There's the happy glint in my eyes now. Everywhere i go now i spread goodvibes being happy truly makes you a better person.

Humaid has been a huge part of this happiness, everyday he tries to show me the happiness I've been missing out on. Humaid has been really cheerful this past few days always trying to make me feel good about myself. He has pretty much changed now and well flirtatious as hell.

Work has been quite enjoyable, i don't know why but the hospital is packed today. There are a lot of patients here a whole lot. It looks like it would be a loong day.

There was a knock on my door, please Lord let ot not be another patient. Don't get me wrong, i love what i do but sometimes it gets overwhelming and right now i am playing a game on my phone, trying to clear my head.

"Come in" i muttered.

Farhan walked in "My Love!" I exclaimed. "How I've missed you, i would hug you but I'm too lazy to stand up"

"Oh! Amani you break My heart after all we've been through, the love we shared all we've been through. You cant even hug me" okay, it's safe to say that Farhan is a drama queen or in his case a drama king.

"Please sit, someone might get the wrong impression.

"She has broken my heart, take me to the ER" he clutched his chest.

"Farhan please lock the door and sit down people are looking" i whispered.

Finally he closes the door and seats down. Picking up one of the books on my table.

"So what's up babygirl"

"Not you too with the babygirl rubbish" i rolled my eyes

"Who else calls you babygirl, who wants to steal you from me. By the way this book is boring"

"For your information Mister it is an intresting nivel and no one is stealing me from you stop making it seem like I'm your girlfriend and it's Humaid"

"Your! Douchebag of a husband?"

"Yes him"

"Where is his girlfriend, has he finally realised who she truly is and dumped her"

"Well he dumped her alright" i chuckled.

"You're such a wicked soul Amani, you find dumping her funny" he laughed with me.

"Oh! You should have seen how it happened" i erupted into a full blown laughter now.

"You have to tell me everything" he mused.

"Well, you know..........." i began but was cut of by my phone ringing.

It was Humaid calling. "Speaking of the devil" i said as i picked the call.

"Hello humaid how can i help you"

"Hello to you too babygirl how has your day been"

"It's been great"

"Good then, how do you feel about dinner at a fancy restaurant. It's a date"

"Hmm! I don't know what to feel"

"You could feel anything" i could pictures him wiggling his eyebrows. I decided to be bold.

"Like?" I asked.

"You really don't want to know" he whispered.

"Okay then, where is it?"

"Don't worry it's a suprise I'll come and pick you up"

" okay the see you later"

"When does your shift end hunnybunny"

"Don't call me that it's just wierd and it ends by 6:00"

"I'll see you then sugar, kisses" he made a kissy sound.

"Oh! Please" i rolled my eyes and cut the call

"So little Mr Humaid is trying to be the perfect husband after Fucking up"

"It seems so, he apologised countless times but I'm not ready to forget the past Farhan. He wants me to give him a chance but i don't know if i can"

"Amani, are you truly certain that he is remorseful" Farhan said his playful side gone.

"It appears so, I know that he truly regrets what he has done but I'm not ready to forget. I still carry the pain everywhere i go. I say I've forgiven him but i still haven't let go and that is not completely forgiving someone"

"Amani i know he has wronged in unimaginable ways, but from what Faizah has told me, he really regrets what he has done and is trying to gain your trust. If you think giving him a chance is a big step for you, you can start by letting go of the past. I didn't say you should forget what has happened but i just want you to be happy and live in the moment"

"You are truly the best Farhan" i said

We kept on talking, Farhan is a wise person. He might get angry easily but he is a sensitive person. He takes decisions causiouly and gives the best advice. Faizah is one lucky woman.

I was standing in front of him fixing my table. Getting ready to leave.

He showed me the watch faizah bought for him, i held his hand looking at the beautiful watch. Just then the doors to my office swung open.

Humaid was at the door on his wheelchair looking at us wearily.


Hello, chapter 29.

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