⚜CH 36⚜

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Few months later;

"Amani!" Faiza shouted, opening the door to my room.

"What?" I answered rolling my eyes at her she can be dramatic sometimes.

"Let's go, mum is waiting for us downstairs and she is furious"

" I seriously don't want to go to the market" i whined.

"You have no choice. No offence but your Mom is a tad bit too pushy" she giggled.

"Uggh!" I groaned before taking my veil and following faiza downstairs.

"Where have you been Amani let's go" Mum said rushing out to the car. I don't get why she is always in a haste when going to the market. I shared a look with faiza, we both sighed and followed her.

I have been back in Nigeria since I finished my housemanship. I moved back permanently after i was done. I was settling in at home quite well since I've gottten back, I got a job at a hospital close to the house.

I drove us to the market with so much difficulty because my Mum keeps complaining that I'm over speeding or that i drive too roughly. Let's just say it wasn't a fun ride.

Faiza is getting married in the next 7months but with the way my mum is behaving you'll think the wedding is tomorrow or right now. I am tired of driving them to different shops and walking in and out of shops, i feel like just running away and leaving them there but I'm not that wicked.

"Amani this dress would look beautiful on you" mom said raising up a beautiful purple gown to my eye level.

"I'm not interested mom, you two just choose what you like"

"Amani, you need to start taking care of how you look it's not the end of the world you know"
I rolled my eyes. I've had enough of all this since i got back. It's not like i don't dress well its just i don't have time to dress fancy because of work and my mum's numerous trips to the market. I don't know how she expects me to dress fancy to the market.

After four dreadful hours, we were done. We drove back home silently everyone was too tired to talk.

Once we got back home i took a relaxing hot shower and slept off. Two hours into my sleep Mom woke me up again to took. This woman just doesn't get that i need to rest.

I went to the kitchen to see her already
Cooking. "Mama, I'm here" i muttered.

"Ohh Amani, i waited for you to come and cook but i got tired I'm almost done. You girls are too lazy"

"Now i just woke up for nothing!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, you were sleeping after asr and you know it's not good to sleep after asr so i had to wake you up"

"I just wanted to rest" i groaned.

"If you want to rest go to your Husband's house. You can't be lazy in my house" she said nonchalantly.

"But you were the one who told me to come"

"Well I'm tired of your laziness so go back home"
At this faizah burst into a fit of laughter.

"I'm going back home right now" i said. I went upstairs and packed up my things i put them in the car. I would be enjoying my day at home relaxing if she didn't call me today. And this is her way of thanking me.

I saw faizah by the door " tell mom I've gone back to my Husband's house and next time you people are going to the market don't call me"

"Okay then bye bye. We'll call you when we need you and send you away once you're done doing what we want" faizah said laughing.

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