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6 months later;

I walked into my office holding a cup of coffee and a new patients report. 6 months have passed and Humaid has still not even as much as moved a finger. His parents went back home a few months after the accident, his dad had to take care of his company.

I remember the day they were leaving,  his mom made me promise her that i would take care of him even though all was not well between us. She sensed something was wrong between us because i didn't behave like i was his wife,i knew nothing about him. So she asked me to tell her if anything was wrong. I told her everything not mentioning Natasha though, i didn't want his dad to be more disappointed in him. The look if pity in their eyes for me made my heartbreak but i was strong. His Dad even offered me a job back home so i can go back to my parent's and they will hire a nurse to take of their son. I felt bad though and refused. I stayed back to take care of him even if it is only as a gratitude to his parents.

So here i am taking care of him as promised. I was assigned to Humaid as his personal doctor a few months back so i really don't have much work now.

I kept everything i had to, checked on the new patient and went to Humaid's room.

I sat on my usual spot and began reading to him. This has been our 10th book so far and this one was also comingg to an end. I put the bookmark on the page and closed the book.

"Humaid, you promised you were going to wakeup before the end of the third book and this is the 8th, and we've read this one thrice. please wake up so you can divorce me" i heard a loud laugh outside the door. It was Amina

"You are something else Amani"

I giggled "i have to tell him the truth now"

"How is he and how are you"

"He's doing well Alhamdullilah most of his wounds are healed it's just that he wouldn't wake up. As for me i am great just fulfiling my promise"

"Hang in there humaid. You have to wake up so i can beat you for making my friend suffer"

I laughed heartily "he does deserve a beating"

"Let me leave both of you to your books"

"Okay I'll be out in abit, okay"

I continued reading the book to him. I didn't know when i fell asleep.

I woke up wondering how i fell asleep so quickly. I took my things, keeping the book on his beside table and left.

Taking care of Humaid during this whole ordeal has been well, not hard and not easy. I have to cut his nails everytime it grows, shave his beard and make sure the male nurses clean him regularly.

He is always squeaky clean although he is sick.

I went over to Amina's office to inform her that Farhan was picking me up for lunch.

I picked my bag and went outside. Farhan was sitted in his car waiting for me.

I hopped into the car "you my dear are late........." i stopped talking and squealed loudly when i saw Faizah seated at the back of the car. I leaned in and hugged her.

"Yeah! Let's  pretend i am not here"

"Oh! Hush! I see you all the time but faizah, i missed you sooooo much"

"I missed you too chica, howhas life been treating you?"

"Well my husband who has ignored me most of the time is in coma but that's him. As for me, MY life is going great"

"You are not even serious" she chuckled.

"I have to joke about it sometimes to lighten up the situation but on the bright side he is almost completely healed except for the coma"

"I still can't believe you would take care of someone who has treated you so badly"

"It's not that, i just see him as any other patient but i made a promise to his mom. I am not doing this for him, rather to fulfil my promise"

"I can't be that selfless" farhan said.

"That is because you are the most temperamental human being I've met. It's a wonder how Faizah puts up with you"

"But you love me like that"

"That i do, that i do"

We got to the restaurant, it was really close to the house so i changed into something more comfortable since i had a night shift.

I gave Faizah the keys to the house, she will be staying with me while she's here.

Farhan dropped me off at the hospital. Not before telling me to take care of myself though.

I walked into the hospital, wore my coat and went to check on the patients. A patient was brougt in yesterday, he broke his legs so he was to be given painkillers, i told the nurse to do so.

Once i was done i removed my coat and went back to Humaid's ward. I sat on my usual seat and began reading the book i left to him.

I was nearing the end when i noticed his fingers move, At first i thought it was my imagination but he did it again.

I stood up and moved closer to him.

"Humaid if you can hear me, Move your fingers again" and he did he moved his fingers. I smiled gleefully.

"Finally some progress" i shouted.

"Amani?" He said with a cracked voice opening his eyes slightly then closing it again.

"Yes Humaid i am here open your eyes"

"Waterr....." he crooked out.

I got a glass of water and gave him a sip. I knew better than to give him much water.

He opened his eyes completely.

"Amani?" He whispered


"Why can't I feel my legs"


Dun dun dun.😂😂

Humaid is finally awake, Mashaallah Amani stood by him through his test💪💪 butttt what is wrong with him now

Let's just hope all is well🥺🥺

Anyways i want to thank everyone for reading, voting, commenting and adding my book to their reading list. I really appreciate, thank you  so much💕💕

Double updatee💃💃💃💃 haven't done it in a long timeeee.

Hope you like it.

Love you all💖💖💘

XOXO ZEEZEE😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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