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I was seated on my desk in the office going through some paperwork calmly. Work is the only thing that calms me down now. This whole hurdle about this marriage is getting to me. It is a stop in my plans. Natasha and I had planned to get married in two months time but once i got back here everything changed. And to top it off he had to choose such a low class woman for me to marry. I sighed loudly pinching the bridge of my nose. Why dad why!

My phone rang beside me. Speaking of the devil.

"Hey Dad good morning"

"It is indeed a fine morning my son. I have news for you"

"What is it Dad" i rolled my eyes uninterested.

"My daughter in law has given us her feedback. She said she wants to get to know you first. So you both have a month to get acquainted and after a month she better decide to marry you for your sake"

"But what if i don't want to marry her. I already have someone else i love"

"Nonsense let me tell you something my dear son. If you don't marry this young woman you are not taking over my company and you will never go back to the Uk. I will make sure of that" he said in a stern voice.

"Okay dad what do you want me to do now"

"You my dear son are going to go and pick her up from school like a nice little boy and take her back out. Am i clear"

"Crystal clear captain" i muttered

"And lest i forget she will be done by 5:00 so be a hood boy and do as i say. Bye your mom sends her regards"

"Bye dad" i huffed.

I called Natasha straight afterwards. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hello baby" she said in her highpitched voice. Her voice is like music to my ear.

"Hey babe how far"

"Fine darling. How has your day been".

"It was good. Just my dad disturbing me about the girl i told you about"

"Ohh that. Well what are you going to do then"

" i don't know"

"That's by the way its just family issues. How about the car you said you were going to buy me"

"Are you serious right now. I'm trying to tell you about my problem. And all you can  think about is a car. You are the main reason i am trying to resolve this issue"

"Oh! Baby i am sorry i just really need that car"

"Yeah you do" i was getting angry now.

"I'm sorry. So tell me about it"

"Dad says i can't take over the company or come back to Uk if i don't marry her"

"Babe i really think you should treat her well. Take care of her make her feel loved and then maje her agree to marry you then once you are here you can dump her and be the CEO and then i could start my empire. Let her be your ticket to taking over the company. Just be a player and make her fall for you"

" oh Nat this is why i love you. You always give me the best Advice"

"Okay honey we'll talk later don't forget to send the money"

"I will send it okay. Love you"

"Yeepee bye" And she cut the call.

I like her idea making her fall for me will make things easy for me. I just have to convince my Dad i like her and make her like me and before you know it i will be back with Natasha.

Time to go pick her up from school. Before reaching her school i booked seats for us at a restaurant. Time to go woo my future wife. I thought smirking


So Humaid has a plan. Will it work?

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