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I stood there looking at him forgetting myself like a fool. Faizah dragged me to the room. I was still in a daze.

"Amani are you insane? Why would you just stand in front of your dad looking shamelessly at that guy. Just thank God no one noticed"

" Faizah that right there in the living room is Mr handsome" i squealed.

"Who?. Wow he is definitely very handsome. Have you seen his eyes" she said in jumping on my bed.

"That is what I've been telling you. I think he is a model" i fell on my bed face up smiling dreamily.

"But what is he doing here?" She asked curiously

"I don't know but all i know is i am going to change into something attractive and take them water and drinks" i stoid up abrutaly and opened my woderobe i picked out my pretty gown. It was attractive yet casual. I could wear it at home and no one would suspect a thing. I quickly changed and put on a black turban.

My mom walked into the room immediately i finished changing.

"Amani, come and give our guests snacks and drinks" she said and immediately left.

With so much giddiness i went to the kitchen got the snacks, lined them in a tray and went to serve them.

I kept the snacks on the centre table in front of them. My mum and dad were sitted opposite them.

"Thank you" Mr handsome said. I just smiled sheepishly at him.

"Such a beautiful well mannered young lady" the older man said his Dad i presume because of the resemblance

"Amani this is Mr. Hashim your dad's very good friend and his son Humaid" my mom announced. I was so happy i finally know his name. Humaid what a befitting name.

"It's nice to meet you both sir. You look handsome by the way" i said to his dad. Humaid was just typing away on his phone he didn't bother to even look up at me.

"Nonsense My dear call me Dad and thank you"

"Okay dad. I have somethings to get back to. Havea nice day" i said smiling and i left them there. I didn't really want to stay long in the midst of elders my mom wouldn't approve of that.

I went back to my room and saw faizah smiling widely at me "so Humaid huh" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

I blushed bright red. "He is one fine ass young man" she shouted. I covered her mouth with my hands not wanting my parents to hear. If they got a whiff of this i am dead, gone, forgotten.


I just got back from Uk a few days back. I just completed my masters and came back sp my dad could sign some documents and i will take over our Minning business in the Uk. But my dad had other plans. The old man wants to trap me in marriage. He says he will not allow me to take over the company until and unless i take a wife. So a month after i came back he started arranging dates for me. He wanted me to marry a girl from a decent Nigerian home. I already have a beautiful girl i want to marry a rich classy girl not some classless golddigger from a middle class home. I told my dad about her but he wouldn't have a word of it.

Three days ago, he told me that an old friend invited him to his daughter's wedding dinner and we were going together. So on that day i got ready in my sky blue caftan and we went to the dinner.

Minutes into the dinner i got a call from one of our investors. I went outside the hall to pick the call. I turned my back towards the entrance but immediately i turned around i saw a girl looking at me intently. I must Admit she is beautiful but just not my type. She was wearing a pink gown and maroon turban. I could tell she was amazed by how good i looked, I'm used that to girls are always drooling over me. i just smirked and went back into the hall. The moment i went back into the hall and immediately left because i had somethings to sort out.

Two days later i was sitted comfortably in my office my dad called me saying he had found a wife for me and we were going to meet her parents in a while. So he came by and picked me up and we went to their house. We sst in their scrawny small apartment as her Dad walked in. He was my dad's friend the one whose daughter got married two days ago just my luck. A naive inexperienced Nigerian girl is who my dad recommends. I wanted to shout.

Her dad welcomed us as her mom also walked in, they both sat in the seat opposite ours.

They began to speak after exchanging pleasantries

"We've come because of the proposal i spoke to you about" my dad began " i want your daughter to get married to my son here"

"Mashaallah this is an amazing proposal. Being a good friend of mine i am happy you considered my daughter. We will speak to her about it and if she agrees we will proceed with whatever it is" her dad said looking happy. To be honest I thought he was just going to agree instantly but its good to know he has his daughter's interest at heart.

"But i thought he lives in the Uk how are we going to go about her studies if she agrees" her mom said. They really love their daughter huh!?

"All that will be dealt with in time if she agrees" i said nonchalantly. Her mom left into one of the rooms and a mknute later she was back seated. They kept talking about the marriage while i just sat there looking at them.

Moments later Amani my soon to be bride i hope came in with a tray of snacks, drinks and bottled water, she kept it in front of us and was about to leave

"Thank you" i gritted out. She smiled she had a beautiful smile but my Natasha's smile was way hotter.

"Such a beautiful and well mannered young lady" my dad said to her. I scowled at that.I didn't look at her after that i just kept on chatting on my phone with Natasha.

After everything was done dad gestured for me to stand up so we could leave.

" we hope to hear a positive feedback from you farhan"

"Inshallah we will contact you both soon" her dad answered "Have a nice day" her mom added. We both just nodded and left the house. I dropped my dad at his place and went back to my house hitting the shower immediately.


Chapter three up.

So apparently our humaid is not interested. Hmmm the irony of life.

What will Amani say will she agree? Hope she does.

You guys are in for drama.

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Stay safe🌸🌸

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