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I am at my parent's home to bid them farewell as we are leaving tommorow. Humaids Dad arranged his private jet for us to go with. We are leaving tomorrow night by 11pm. So we can get there in early and settle in.

I have been ignoring Humaid since the incident at his house. I haven't spoken to him.

I was sitted with my mum, faizah and i were cooking. Mum was cooking my favourite food curried chicken and white rice. The yummiest meal ever.

She packed some for me to take back home and eat for dinner, i kept that in the fridge.

I haven't really been eating anything at Humaid's house, i order food and i eat those.

It was getting late so i called the driver to come pick me up.

Faizah and i sat in the room as I waited for the driver.

"Amani as for me i think you shouldn't allow Humaid and Natasha to push you to live in the hostel. If you leave it's like you are granting their wish because you are giving them space to do what they want it's would be like the both of you were never married. You should stay with them and show them what you are made of" she smiled devilishly

"I don't know faizah it's just, i don't think i can have you seen my hand i do not want to be in an abusive situation"

"But you told me he regrets what he did. And i don't know you as a coward Amani you are the strongest person i know. And i know you can do it and besidesi want you to show that golddigging bitch her place."

"You really have a point there leaving will only make them happy"

"That's what i am saying just don't allow them to get to you show Natasha that you are Humaid's legal wife and you have rights over him and what he owns"

"I really love that idea. Faizah you are the best and not to worry i already have something in mind. Our little love birds have plans today but i am going to spoil it"

I called the driver and told him not to come again. Then i called his Dad telling him we were coming over.

And then i called Humaid. A few ring later, he picked.

"Hey what's up?"

"Don't hey what's up me like i am your friend  only people that matter can say that to me"

"Okay what do you want?"

" i want you to come pick me up i am at my parent's place"

"I can't i have to pick Natasha up from her aunt's place and we have plans"

"No you are not, i already told your Dad  we were coming over"

"You can't be serious, you are just a pain in the butt. What would i tell Natasha now"

"This is just the beginning and as for Natasha just send her some money that golddigger would do anything if you send her some cash" i smirked.

"She is not a gold digger"

"Hmmm funny how she behaves like one"

"That is enough. I am on my way"

"Oh! Goodey take all the time in the world. It's not like you have plans" i laughed loudly.

"Ha ha," and he cut the call.

"Amani you are just Amazing" faizah hugged me and we laughed.

A few minutes later Humaid arrived. He sat in the living room as hugged my mum and faizah saying goodbye to them and they followed me to the where he was sitted with my Dad.

I sat beside my dad and hugged him.

"Amani why do you have a bruise on your Arm"

My blood ran cold. I looked up at Humaid and he looked tensed.

"It's nothing Dad just hit my hand on the wall badly yesterday and it left a bruise"

my Dad eyed me suspiciously."okay be careful my dear"

We stood up to leave. "Take care of my daughter Humaid. We might not be as rich as you people are but she means the world to her mum and i. So please"

My eyes welled up with tears "ohh! Dad i am going to miss you" i hugged him " you too mum and most especially Faizah" i hugged the one after the other.

"Call me once you get back home" faizah whispered in my ear, i nodded and hopped into the car. I waved at them once again and we drove off.

I rested my seat and kept on crying silently. My bruise was hurting because  my dad touched it. I rummaged through my bag and found the cooling ointment and applied it. As i applied the ointment i felt better but then Humaid parked the car. I turned to him.

"Is anything the matter?" I asked curious why we were parked in the middle of the street.

"Amani i am really sorry for what i did to you. You don't know how much i regret what i did i really am sorry. I promise i will never lay my hands on you. I feel so guilty"

"It's nothing you should worry about. Please drive" i said and looked out the window.

He looked at me for a bit before he began driving again.

We arrived at his parent's house. This house was an entire estate. It was so beautiful painted white.

We got off the car without saying a word to each other and headed to the door. He rang the bell and his mom opened the door.

"Oh! My god it's my daughter in law. Come in my dear" she squealed.

"I am also here mum i can't believe you are already picking sides"

"Oh! Please you are old news. Have a seat my dear,how are you?"

"I'm good ma"

"Nonsense call me mum. I am your mum and you are the daughter i never had"

"Okay I'm fine mum, how are you. You look pretty by the way"

"Why thank you. You look amazing also"

I smiled and she frowned.

"Why do you have a bruise on your arm?"

" i hit my hand on a wall"

"You should be more careful. Let me take a look"
She took my arm in her hand and put a bit of pressure on the bruised area. I hissed in pain.

"Sorry, mum don't press her arm too hard it's wounded" Humaid said seeming concerned. I rolled my eyes

"Vee, get the first aid kit" she called out to one of the maids.

Once it she brought it, she applied a balm on the affected area and bandaged my hand. I felt so much better.

"Now let's go and eat. Your dad will be back in a bit"


Hello everyone sorry for the inconveniences. Here's an update.

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A big Thank you to all my readers. I love you all.

Stay safe🌸🌸

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