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It has been three days since we've been married and i have seen Humaid only twice, i was cooking in the kitchen yesterday when he walked in with Natasha i swear they are always together. He came only to inform me that Natasha will be living with us here and in Uk. I wasn't really bothered, i just dished out their foods and kept it on the dinning table and went upstairs with mine. I really can't stand of those two dummies it is annoying but if i just don't keep seeing them it will be perfect.

I sat in my room chatting with Anisa and faizah on our group chat, eating pringles from the box on my bed side.

I was peacefully enjoying my evening when Humaid barged into my room looking furious. I stood up instantly in front of him.

"What's wrong" i inquired.

He twisted my hand behind my back. It hurt so much. What happened to him.

"Why did you tell my father to make us stay here for one month before leaving, huh! Why"

My hand hurt so much it was bad, tears began to well up in my eyes.

"You are hurting me please stop" i begged in a silent voice.

"Tell me why" he squeezed my had further. The pain was unbearable now i had to bend down.

"I swear i didn't tell your Dad anything. I have never spoken to him since i got here" i whimpered in pain.

"Let's just hope that's true" he released my hand forcefully making me fall on the floor. I sat there for some minutes.

Once he was out of my room, i locked the door, crawled onto my bed and cried like i have never done before.

I will cry now Humaid but i promise you, you can't break me. It is a promise.

I lay on my bed with my mind blank. I just felt so numb, my hand wasn't hurting anymore. I was shutting out the pain. I looked at the hand and it was severely bruised i had black and red spots all over.

Next day;

I decided to sleep in today so i didn't come downstairs for breakfast. I woke up by 10 and just took some water, cleaned my room and sar on my bed.

I heard a knock on my door. I just hope it's not Humaid.
I opened the door and there he was in all his glory. He stood there looking at me like a fool, his eyes drifted to my bruised arm and i hid it behind me.

"What do you want, are you here to torture me more. Because if that's it i think you've done enough to last me a life time" i was guilt tripping him and with the way he looked i knew it was working.

"No that's not.... i am... really" i stopped his stuttering.

"I don't need your apology what do ypu want?" I asked sternly

"You didn't come downstairs for breakfast so I was worried"

"You worried about me" i laughed so much tears were falling from my eyes." Yeah! Funny joke" i snorted.

"I just.... please come and have your breakfast"

"How am i sure you do not just want to kill me, by poisoning my food. And don't be bothered i have promise never to take anything of yours. And i will call your Dad right now and tell him to allow us yo leave tommorow if that's what you want, does tommorow work for you? Okay may be the day after tommorow. We could leave and you could finally be happy with your girlfriend, i won't stand in your way. Just don't interfere in my life please" i begged. I looked up at him and he had guilt written all over his face.

"Oh! And one more thing i have decided that i will be living in the university hostel once we get there. So you and your girlfriend can have the house all to yourselves" i said and closed the door in his face. I didn't allow him to say a word.

I sat on my bed happy that i vented out all i had bottled up since yesterday.

I just pray they both disappear and i never see them again.

After a while i called his dad and asked him if we could leave earlier i lied that i was going to prepare for school. So he agreed that we leave in two days.

We are almost at 1k reads wow😻💃💃
I feel for her, but she is a strong person.

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Love you all💕💕

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