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My mouth was agape the moment i realised it was him. What was he doing here. Who even directed him here.
He looked straight into my eyes holding my gaze for a long time. I was the first to look away. What is his deal with staring blankly at people. The annoying part is i know he is looking at me but he doesn't seem like it's me he's looking at but something far behind me.

He walked majestically over to us and stood infront of us. Faizah was smiling sheepishly at me.

"Hey" he said to all of us.

"Hi" i answered.

"Amani I've come to pick you up we are going out" the way he said my name is just. I don't know amazing. Anisah was all giddy beside me.

"Alright give me a minute" i said to him and he went back to the car.

"Girlllllllllllll he is damn hot" Anisa said fanning herself. I smiled shyly at her before turning to faizah.

"Do i have permission to go" i asked playfully

"Yes you have. Abdulhamid will take me home, and if he asks you are on a date with your future husband"

"I'm not sure he will like that but bye guys"

"Bye I'll call you later i need details" Anisah said and i finally made my way to the car. I opened the door and hopped in.

"Hey" he whispered. His face straight not showing off any emotion.

"Hi" i answered meekly.

He picked something from his side. "Gum?" He asked

"No thanks" i smiled sweetly at him.

"Suite yourself" he said and began driving. I stared at his face. He looks much more handsome up close. He was so concentrated on driving. I bet he doesn't feel my stare.

"You know staring is rude right?" He quietly said. I looked away from him to my side.

"Yeah sorry" i meekly voiced out.

The drive after that was silent. I only occasionally looked at him once or twice.

We arrived at the resturant. The emerald castle restaurant. (A/N of all the restaurants in Kaduna i couldn't choose one so here is my dream restaurant)

It was the fanciest restaurant i have ever been to not that I've been to much resturants, why should i when i can cook and we have good food at home.

I opened the door slowly and hopped out. Looking at the beautiful entrance. It was a walkway with beautiful flowers and lights. He led the way onve we got into the restaurant, there was a waiter upfront.

"Hello Sir and Ma, welcome to emerald castle. How may i help you?"

The waiter was looking at me weirdly. I was wearing a blue and black Atamfa skirt and blouse with black veil i dinner think anything was wrong with what i was wearing.

"We have a reservation under Humaid" he said glaring at the waiter.

"This way sir" he said and we followed him to the terrace table. It was the best seat in the house.

We both sat down and the waiter was still looking at me weirdly like i was some piece of nothing.

"Would you quit looking at her like that. You should show some respect. I have to talk to your superiors about this"
Wow i can't believe he was standing up for me.

"I'm so sorry sir it won't happen again. Here is the menu. I will be back to take your orders" he said and he quickly left.

"Thank you for standing up for me"

"You aren't that much of a talker are you?" He raised an eyebrow

"You could say that" i shyly said.

"You should really start talking more you have an amazing voice" he smirked.

"Thank you" i whispered.

"Let's eat then" he picked up the menu and began reading it.

We chose our dishes and it was brought in front if us. He ordered fried rice with grilled chicken and salad and i just ordered milkshakes and a cupcake i have a sweet tooth.

We ate in silence. After eating he began telling me about himself. He lived in the Uk up until a few months ago when he came back and his dad said he had to settle down. I was pretty impressed by him. He had so many achievements for someone his age and also i was on a date with my crush what could beat that?.

I had a great evening with him. It was such fun in a wierd way although i didn't talk much he did all the talking. After everything he took me back home and left not before talking to my parents first.

Once home i changed into my pyjamas, called Anisah and told her all about the date with Faizah beside me. They were both ecstatic about everything.


It's been a while but here it is.... an update.

I don't have much words today🥺🤧

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