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Since everyone wants a picture of them, here it is;

Since everyone wants a picture of them, here it is;Humaid;

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I sat beside humaid in silence as he looked remorseful, there was guilt in his eyes, humaid looked as if he was not happy with my statement but what can i do, i am staying the truth.

"Amani look i know i have wronged you in unimaginable ways and i know you won't be able to trust me ever, and i know saying this would not change a thing but i sorry for everything i have ever done to you ever since i met you, i am sorry for all i have done, i feel bad everytime you say something like that. I am sure it would be hard to forgive  but please find it in your heart to forgive me. You are an amazing person Amani and i have wronged you and i am sorry" Humaid finished his little speech looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself Humaid i never took what ever you did to heart. I forgive you but that doesn't mean i will just forget what you did and we will be all lovey dovey. I will take care of you till you get back to your normal self and then we can get a divorce and i can go back home to live the life i deserve. Everyone thinks Amani is a push over, oh! Amani marry humaid and she does without saying anything, oh! Amani you are a bitch and a gold digger you married him for his money and she doesn't  say anything at all even with all she's been through, oh! Amani forgive Humaid and she does instantly but that is the old Amani i will forgive you but you know What humaid i have had enough of you, my parents, Natasha and everyone else, i will not take it anymore so please keep your sorry to yourself okay, i forgive you so you can have peace of mind and sleep at night okay" tears filled my eyes as i talked i wiped it angrily and sat back on my seat.

"Amani you are not a push over, you are a strong woman and i appreciate you for that. Can i have some water please" he asked politely.

I walked over to his side board and took a glass and filled it with water and gave it to him.
"Seat Amani, please" he pleaded and i sat beside him. "Take a sip and relax " he said and passed me the glass of water. I took the glass and took a sip. I felt a bit calm.

"Amani i know everyone expects you to just say yes and do what they want. But sometimes you have to stand up for yourself you don't have to be the perfect little girl be rebellious sometimes. And Amani i don't want you to forgive me for just saying sake but because i am truly sorry i hurt you"
I cried, he hugged me, i held him tightly and cried into his shoulder.

"There, there let it all out, you have held everything in for so long"

"Humaid this isn't easy, at all. Everyone believes in me way too much"

"I know Amani, and that is why everyone likes you, you are a kind hearted person and everyone appreciates that" he said as i sniffled into his shoulder as he patted my back slowly. "Let it all out Amani you have been strong for way too long"
I moved away from him. He passed me a tissue paper, i took it and cleaned my face and his shoulder which was wet from my tears"

"Thanks for that humaid i really needed  it"

"You're welcome Amani and thanks for everything"

"I'm sorry for ruining your shirt"

"It's nothing. Atleast you let are fine now. You are good right"

"Yeah sure" i smiled weakly.

"Let's agree to atleast be civil with each other"

"Yeah let's be civil with each other until this whole thing ends but that doesn't mean you will be any less annoying" i said.

"And you wouldn't be less pushy. Because Damn! You are pushy"

"Yeah keep quiet idiot. Anyways you need sleep"

"Okay pushy crybaby" he smirked.

"Oh no you didn't idiot" i threw my pillow at him and he laughed heartily.

"Goodnight pushy crybaby"


Amani has let everything out.  Hard Emotions have a way of bringing you down and sometimes you just have to let it all out.

Heyyo double update am i on a roll or what💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

Well happy reading all. It's short i know but i just wanted to try for you people 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Hope you like it.


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