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I walked into the house holding my handbag on one hand and shopping two  bags on my other hand. I stopped by at a boutique and bought some new pairs of underwears. I rang the door bell and Mrs Brown opened the door.

"Welcome back Amani"

"Thank you Mrs. Brown"

"Should i take the bags upstairs?" She asked looking at the bags.

"Nope I'm heading up I'll take them there myself"

I headed straight for the stairs. I've had such a hectic day, the hospital has been so filled up lately with a lot of people added to the ones already there.

I walked passed Humaid's room, his door was locked. I walked over to my room, took out my keys to open the door.

"Babydoll you're back I've missed you" Humaid said startling me. He has this habit of sneeking up on people and i have warned him against it severally.

I turned to face him "Humaid what did I say about sneeking up on me"

"That i should stop" he rolled his eyes.

"Then why are you still doing it. Can't you be a normal person and talk to me when i can see you?"

"What's the fun in that. Anyways, what's in the bag"

"It's nothing"


"None of your business, now leave i need to freshen up"

"Okay I'll see you downstairs, i asked Mrs. Brown to cook something i know you will enjoy"

"Oh, okay i can't wait. Meet you downstairs, i also bought something for you"

I stepped into my room, kept the bags and immediately hopped into the shower.

After taking my bath, i put on my pyjamas, prayed magrib before hoing back downstairs for dinner.

I walked to the dinning section and was amazed by how beautiful it was decorated.  Beautiful candles illuminated the table and scented roses were scattered everywhere, it was a romantic set up, a candlelight dinner has been the top of my romance scale and this was the most beautiful of them all.

It was beyond beautiful. Humaid was sitted on one of the seats. Okay I'm starting to think this os not for me. Humaid cannot go through all this stress for me

"is Natasha coming over?" I asked because that is the only sane explanation for all this. 

"All this is for you babygirl" i was stunned. Why would he do this for me.

"What's the special occasion?, Am i safe?"

"One question at atime love, firstly we are celebrating how awesome you are as a person and secondly yes you are safe"

"Ohh! Thank god!" I huffed.

"Come take a seat, i would be a gentleman and draw your chair for you but i can't so bear with me"

"Oh! Hush you have done enough. And you will be forgiven for everything as long as food is involved" i rambled on as i sat on my seat picking up an apple and taking a bite.

"Fruitsalad, milady" he picked the fruit salad bowl and dished some  in the saled bowl in front of me.

"Why are there whole fruits on the table when we are having fruit salad"

"Keep being witty and i might as well change my mind about this dinner"

"Okay then, thank you kind sir".

I took my first bite of the fruit salad and it tasted heavenly. It's by far the best thing I've tasted so far.

After eating the salad, the next course was plated, rice and chicken stew. Mrs. Brown always made the yummiest meals. I haven't really had a home cooked in ages. This was very thoughtful of Humaid and i really appreciate this gesture of his.

Dessert was up next and it was chocolate mousse and chocolate lava cake.

"Mrs. Brown mentioned your love for everything chocolate hence the dessert idea"

"Oh! I absolutely love all this thank you for all this"

"I just figured since you've had a rough couple of months I'd take a day to appreciate you and all you've been doing so i made a few calls and got you 2 weeks off of work and I'm booking you a trip to anywhere of your choice" i couldn't believe what i heard. Was he for real.

"Wait you aren't pulling my legs are you"

"Nope i am not, you could go anywhere you want"

"Ohh! Thank you so much" i hugged him tightly. He was shocked but awkwardly hugged me back. When i realized what i was doing, i quickly pulled away.

"Uhmm! Sorry for that" i sat back on my seat.

"Oh! It's nothing"

"So i would like to go back home to see my parents"

My parents left a week ago and i have been missing them and everyone else back home.

"Okay then, i would tell the guy to book a flight for you"

"Okay then but i am paying, i could afford my own flight"

"Please allow me to pay for you, it's my treat right"

"Yes, but this is the first and last time i would be using your money"

"What of the money i send to your account every month"

"Ohh! That i use it for other good things"

"What do you use it for then if not yourself"

"Well you see Mrs.Brown's husband os very ill and has to take treatment which is expensive because i got him admitted in the bedt hospital and her daughter is in college and Mrs. Brown cannot afford all that on her own so i use the money to help her"
He looked blown away by my revelation.

"You never cease to amaze me Amani" he whispered.


Hello beautiful people. Here's an update.

Hope y'all like it.

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