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This night has been a fough night, the unwelcome turn if events has everybody so quiet well except my parents who have been talking, more like scolding me since Abdulhamid left.

"You don't even trust us enough to tell us what going on, not even me your mom Amani"

"Mom i didn't want burden you with my problems, you both have had enough on your plate as is, you didn't need my baggage"

"Your problem would never be baggage dear" dad said looking dejected

"My poor baby has gone through so much" mom exclaimed. She is actually making a fuss about this.

Humaid's parents walked in from the room humaid was in and sat opposite my parents, that was my cue to leave as they began taking about us.

I gestured at Faizah and we went over to check on Humaid.

He was still not up.

"I just hope he hasn't slipped into another coma" She said. My stomach churned at Faizah's words, there is a possibility for that to happen. If Humaid slips into a coma again, i would never forgive Abdulhamid.

"Let's hope he doesn't. I'm sure it's not that serious, it's just because he is recovering from a brain injury his brain needs time to process the impact before he can wake up" i whispered reassuringly, i guess i was trying to assure myself also.

"Amani, you know aside from all what he has done i think Humaid is a great guy and i can tell he regrets all he has done and he likes you, i mean he has called you twice every day since you got back only to check if you were alright"

"I don't know about liking me faizah but I'm sure he is remorseful"

"I am certain he likes you and i mean alot. I see the way he looks at you"

"No! You've got it all wrong, he loves Natasha"

"No, i don't think so, he likes you Amani i can tell. Just like Abdulhamid does too"

"Abdulhamid just doesn't get that i see him as a brother" i face palmed.

"Well love is blind and did you just brother zone him?, i don't think he will appreciate that" she chuckles.

"Well i have to let him down softly" i giggle.

Just then humaid opens his eyes, looking warily at me.

"Who are you and where am i" he said.

"What do you mean who am i, Humaid it's Amani have you gone blind" i waved my hand ms in front of him.

"I don't know you, could someone get my parents please, this lady here is claiming she knows me"

"Humaid, if this is a joke please stop it, it's not funny"

"Who are you please, i truly don't know you, are you related to me, Maybe a distant cousin?"

I gave faizah a horrified look. Does this mean he has Amnesia from the impact, i wondered.

"Humaid, please stop this it's not funny" i whined. He began to sit up even more,leaning on the headboard of the bed.

"What is wrong with my leg? Why can't i move my legs" he looks mortified.

"You truly don't remember" i let out deep in thoughts.

"Should i call everyone?" Faizah asked.

"Yes, this is serious" i said to her my back facing humaid.

She was about to walk out the door

"You both are too easy" Humaid said laughing hardly.

I turned instantly to him.

"I was only joking" he laughed loudly

I was stunned so he thinks this is a joke, i was just about to have a heart attack because of his expensive joke.

"You are very stupid" Faizah boomed and punched his arm

"Ouch! Okay i deserve that" he rubs his arm. I just stand there gazing at him.

"You think it's funny to play with people's emotions like that. You are a sick person" i said and rushed out of the room.

I was genuinely worried about him. I don't know why but the thought of him forgetting me doesn't seat well with me.

I heard him shouting my name as i rushed out.

"Amani, please listen, Amani please stop" he said.

I didn't listen to him i went back to the garden and sat all alone.

Well this has been a very eventful day.

I sat there looking at the plants and the water in the little fountain, it looked amazing reflecting the night sky, it calmed me down.

I heard faint sounds of leaves rustling, i just knew it was Humaid.

"What do you want Humaid" i asked sternly.

"I am sorry for getting you worried, i just thought...... nevermind, i am sorry"

"You thought i wouldn't be bothered because I don't care about you"

"Yes, you really shouldn't after all I've done but that's by the way am i forgiven?"

"I don't know yet,  but you are on thin ice, my parents are mad at you"

"I know, I've been getting the stink eye" he chuckles

"You always try to lighten every situation"

"It's how i get tgrough difficult situations. Can we go back into the house? it's cold out here"

"Let's go, my legs are beginning to freeze"

I stood up and walked behind Humaid as he wheeled himself into the house.
Once we got in everyone was looking at him. My parents glaring at him and his parents looking at him disappointedly.

"You have done so much to my daughter, you don't even know how much of an amazing person she truly is, i allowed you to marry her only because i thought she would finally be happy but look where it landed her" Dad shook his head in remorse.

"Once she's done with her housemanship please give her her freedom atleast she can find someone who truly loves her and get married and be happy for once" this time it was mom.

"Mr. And Mrs. Mrs. Farhan i am deeply soory for what i did to your daughter, i know sorry doesn't cut it and it won't bring back the years i took from her but  just know that i live evertday of my life regretting everything i did, i shouldn't have neglected her like that, what I've done to her cannot be compared to tge guilt i feel everyday because she never for once complained or even confronted me, she accepted everything and lived through it, that is something i will regret for the rest of my life. If i had given our marriage a chance it wouldn't have taken me 4 years to realise that i was married to the most amazing person ever and i know the only reason why i am paralyzed today is because i am paying for everything i did to her. If i never walk again, i will still be happy if all of you forgive me and Amani is happy. So i know this means nothing but i am sorry for everything" his eyes were teary.

Everyone was just quiet. Humaid didn't mention divorcing me. I hope he remembers i inky have two months with him before i finish my housemanship.

"Son judging from what you've said i know you are remorseful so we forgive you but only because your parents asked for forgiveness on your behalf. Now it's up to Amani, if she finishes her internship and wants a divorce, that is what she'll get" my Dad said sternly leaving no room for arguments.

I totally agree with that plan.


Update Friday 💃💃💃💃, i know I haven't updated in a looooong time, i was sick. But I'm getting better, Alhamdullilah.

Here's another chapter.

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I can't talk much.

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