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Once i got to the hospital i was so engrossed in work, i barely had time to check my phone and well i didn't have breakfast and it was already 2:00. I was in a patient's room checking on him.

Once i was done with everything else and i was back in my office, i sighed deeply. The moment i sat down my stomach growled. I just realised how hungry I really am. Maybe i should headout and get something to eat atleast.

Amina walked as i was about to head out so i sat back down.

"Heyyyo bitchhh, i haven't seen you in while" she shouted once she was seated.

"Sorry Amani, I've been busy with everything going on in my life right now"

"Yeah! Busy getting close with your Husband" she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ahh! No, I've been busy working and other stuff"

"Yeah other stuff" she smiled winking at me.

"Okay Amina, i don't know what is wrong with you but i think you've hit your head

"You can't deny you've been getting cozy with your hubby"

"Yeah things have gotten significantly better"

"Just significantly?" She asked.

"Amina, get off my case"

"You're blushing, oh! My God you like him" she squealed excitedly.

"I'm not blushing and i like him yes, just how i like everyone else"

"Oh! You have a special place for him in your heart don't you"

"Oh! Shut up. You know what?.please come over after your shift and then you can finally meet the Famous Humaid. I'll prepare dinner and invite Farhan too" i said excitedly as the idea popped into my head. I get off work early so i could go back home and prepare dinner.

"I can't believe you can cook, you've never cooked anything since I've met you"

"Well i can cook, i just haven't felt at home enough to cook"

"Well, i can't wait. Will there be chocolate cake?"

"Chocolate cake will be available your highness and you can even sleep over"

"Oooo goodey, i really can't wait. Let me get back to work. I'm so excited" she squealed walking out of the door.

I quickly called Farhan and asked him to come over for Dinner.

After the call i dialed Humaid's number to inform him about my plans.

"Hey babycakes what's up"

"I was wondering if you were up for dinner with my friends tonight"

"I'd be down for anything if you are there"

"Okay then see you in bit"

"Would you like me to ask the maid to cook anything?"

"That's fine I'll cook. I'm getting some groceries on my way home"

"Waitttttttttt, YOU CAN COOK!" He exclaimed.

"Ofcourse i can cook, why is that so shocking"

"It's just, I've never seen you cook before"

"Well, i do cook and you'll see Chef Amani in action in a bit. Bye now i need to finish up what I'm doing"

"Okay see ya love. That reminds me I have a suprise for you after dinner".

"Okay, see ya" i cut the call smiling. What suprise does Humaid have for me. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out.

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