⚜CH30⚜ 💃💃💃

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Humaid was by the door which was wide open if i must add looking at the both of us wierdly. He was harshly staring at Farhan. I don't understand what is wrong.

"Humaid come on in why are you there"

"Yeah come in Humaid you are free to" Farhan said to him giving him a pointed looking and still holding my hand tightly.

Humaid only kept looking at our hands before wheeling himself in.

"I didn't know other Men were allowed to hold a married woman's hand in this hospital" he muttered angrily. I just don't get why he's angry

"Men are allowed to do more than just holding hands in this hospital if you get what i mean" Farhan wiggled his eyebrows at Humaid still refusing to release my hand.

"Hey Man can you please realease My wife's Hand. I think it's enough now" Humaid glowered.

"Why should i, her hands are so soft, right babygirl" Farhan winked at me urging me to play along

"Right My love" i smiled dreamily at him "Humaid meet Farhan My....." Farhan didn't allow me to finish
"Her boyfriend" he butted in. "I'm Farhan Her boyfriend nice to meet you kind sir" he stretched his hands out for Humaid. Humaid was fuming by now. It was really hard not to laugh. Farhan was too good and Humaid too easy to fool.

" Meet me in the car Amani if you are still interested in going out with me as i see you have better company" he said and turned to the the door. I didn't miss the look of hurt and defeat on his face. He was jealous and Hurt that i had a boyfriend. Wow! This is shocking.

"Humaid listen.." before i could finish he was already out of the door. "You see what you've caused Farhan" i said turning to Farhan. We shared a look for a feww seconds before erupting into laughter. I really need to tell Humaid the truth but this was funny and i needed a good laugh.

"Oh! He was jealous alright, but then he was hurt. You broke his stupid little heart and he deserves it" Farhan said.

"I need to tell him the truth" i exclaimed.

"No you will not, Allow him to go back home and suffer a bit, then we'll both go back to the house and I'll have a word with him" farhan kept on talking but I was already about to call Humaid

He snatched the phone away from me and sent Humaid a text

~I don't think I'll make it, Farhan will drop me home once I'm done.~

"And done let's give loverboy a heart attack" Farhan chuckled.

"You are evil Farhan"

"Yeah, Yeah" he replied and walked out of the office to Farhan's Car.

We both got in and he began to drive. My phone beeped. It was a message from Humaid.

~Have Fun sugarplum, just come home early. He seems like a great guy. You deserve the very best~ . This text made me feel guilty about what we did.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Farhan asked.
I read the text to him.

"Wow! He Must really have feelings for you Amani, I'll take you back home once we eat okay"

"Okay" i whispered in deep thoughts.

We went to a restaurant close to the hospital and had some food. Well i ate, Farhan took the food to go. Once we were done we drove home.

Humaid's POV;

~I don't think I'll make it, Farhan will drop me home once I'm done.~ My heart broke into a thousand pieces the moment i recieved the text. Everything was over. Amani has a boyfriend. But she never told me she did. Why would she tell me anyways. It's none of my business.

I sat in the car looking so dejected.
"Everything alright there sir?" The driver asked.

"Yes Everything is fine, take me back home"

"Ma'am won't be joining us?"

"No she won't " My voice was bearly audible. I just lost the only true person i had aside from my parents because i have been dumb. If only i could turn back the hands of time. A kind soul, someone who would have been the ideal wife. She wad just taken away from me because of my negligence and now i have to suffer the consequences alone. I just hope she's happy.

I took out my phone and replied her text.
~Have Fun sugarplum, just come home early. He seems like a great guy. You deserve the very best~

I locked my phone and kept it beside me.

Once i got back home, the driver helped me get on my wheelchair and i slowly wheeled myself into the house.

Once inside the nurse locked the door and i asked to be left alone,for the first time the house felt so empty without her in it. There i sat getting my thoughts in order. So this is it.

I don't know how long i was there but i was brought back to my senses when the door was unlocked and Amani walked in with her boyfriend. She was laughing with him. I've never seen her this happy. Her laughter faded the moment she sighted me.

Her boyfriend stood in front of me, "Can i have a word with you?" He said.

"I'll be upstairs" Amani said and she rushed upstairs.

" if this is about me giving Amani a divorce then i will" i began "Atleast she's happy with you. But you have to promise me you'll love, support and care for her like she deserves. Promise me you'll love her more than she needs and treat her right, be there for her like I have not been. I've been a fool to let her slip away from me but that doesn't matter as long as she's happy" i said with great difficulty

"You are wrong, there's nothing going on between us"

"But i saw the way....."

"You saw nothing, Amani is just a friend to me. okay, Not just a friend but a sister. I'm engaged to her cousin Faizah. I was only pulling your legs, i just wanted to punish you abit for all Amani has been through. I have been there for her when you were out there with another woman, but that's by the way. What makes you think you can just come back because you realised your girlfriend was a golddigger and start begging for a chance and forgiveness. If you weren't on a wheelchair right now i would have beaten the shit out of you"

"It's not because of Natasha's betrayal that i want Amani's forgiveness. That day, i was coming back here to atleast make Amends with Amani when this accident happened. Believe me, Natasha's betrayal has nothing to do with it at all" i muttered, it's true, no one knows but thet is the truth. On that faithful day, i was coming back home when everything went haywire.

"Don't think that for a second that i will let you go easily if anything like this repeats it self. I won't hesitate to rip your head off your body. I might not like you but you've shown how sorry you are and i appreciate that."

"I won't allow anything like this to happen again"

"I'm giving you a chance with her only because I've seen how truly remorseful you are But whatever you asked me to promise you a while ago, i want you to promise me you'll keep to those things and Make Amani Happy, that is if she agrees to give you a chance"

"I promise you that and more"

"You better keep this promise or else I'll cut off your head" This guy has serious mood swings.

"Inshallah and thank you" i said to him.

"I'm off,tell Amani i left, Go and fix up that date you planned" and he left. He seriously needs a mental checkup.

😂😂😂 Humaid has finally met his match. I love Farhan's vibe abeg💃💃💃💃 He's too cool.

So Humaid has finally gotten one person's approval, tough luck.

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Stay safe🌸🌸🌸

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