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I was on my way home after dropping Amina home when i got a call from home that Humaid was found unconscious in his room and was rushed to the hospital.

The took a quick turn to the hospital. I drove at an insane speed. I passed three red lights but i couldn't care less. I just couldn't stop for anything. Several thoughts were running through my mind. Humaid was absolutely fine this morning, what happened to him?. Has he been sick all this while and kept it to himself?. My mind was clouded with different thoughts.
Once i got to the hospital, i got off the car not minding how i parked or locking the car. I rushed into the hospital.

I got to the reception, without minding the people there i shouted "where is my Husband"

"Good Afternoon Doctor Amani. Your husband is the Vip ward room 3.
I didn't stop to hear anything else i rushed into the elevator. I pressed the button to the last floor. The elevator was going to slow for my liking. The doors weren't even fully opened when i rushed out. Romm 3 i kept chanting. Once i got to the door i opened it quickly at this point i couldn't even see clearly, tears blurred my vision. I walked in only to find Humaid seated on the bed smiling at the doctor. Once i saw his face i ran over to him and hugged tightly crying in his embrace. I held his face between my palms and kissed his fore head.

"Amani, calm down. What's wrong"

"Don't ever do that again i thought i lost you. What happened?" He looked at me and moved me to sit beside him. He stood up and began walking. Slowly though. He was about to fall i quickly held him and the doctor passed him the walker beside him.

"Can you give us a moment please doctor" Humaid said.The doctor nodded and left.
"Sugarplum, calm down. It's nothing serious i was just trying to walk without this Damn Walker and i fell. I just wanted to suprise you but turns out i can't take five steps without falling" Humaid said aggravated.

"Humaid" i whispered. "There's nothing wrong in you finding it hard to walk. You haven't been able to walk in a long time. You can't just get up and start walking like you used to it's okay to start with a walker and progress from there. You don't even know how proud of you i am right now. You can walk" i squealed excitedly." When did this happen"

"It's been a while since I've been standing up. I just decided to show you i could move my legs only"

Humaid was seated on the bed and i was standing between his legs, both his hands on my waist and mine around his neck

"You should have told me" i said in a whiny voice. I can't believe that this is me right now.

"I wanted to blow you away. But that didn't work. I made you cry. You were seriously crying when you arrived. I felt bad" he said his voice dropping an octave at the last sentence.

"I was so worried about you. I couldn't get my mind to shut up. I thought i was going to loose you"

"I'm fine no need to get all worked up" he kissed my forehead. "Tell me, how was your day?"

"I enjoyed my day so muchh. I had so much fun with Amina"

"You had so much fun without me" he grinned.

"You were on my mind through out"

" is that so. I didn't know that i invade your thoughts"

"Ohh please don't flatter yourself"

"Now can we go home I'm getting tired of this place".

"Sure we can. Let me pass you your Walker" i untangled myself from his and move the walker close to the bed.

I picked up my bag and we walked out of the room. I had to stop and sign some papers after that we were off to the car. I opened the door for him and put his walker at the back. We settled in the car.
I looked at him. Few moments of staring at him

"Let's get going then" he said smirking

I started the car and i can see him thorough my peripheral vision still smirking at me.

Once we got home, he went to his room and i went to mine.

I had a little nap before coming downstairs for dinner. After dinner the maid informed me that Humaid wanted to see me. I was told he was in his study so i went there. I knocked on the door and walked in. He was seated on his seat reading a book. The study was a small room with shelves where books and some decorative items were kept, A mahogany table in the middle with two seats facing each other. It's basically a home office.

"I'm what is soo important" i said as i sat on the chair in front of my him and placed my hands on the table between us.

"Amani i think it's time we talked about where this marriage is going. I know this started on a very wrong note. I just want you to know that i love you. But i don't mind if you don't want to spend the rest of your life with me, I'll respect your decision and give you what you want. I know this marriage hasn't been what you wanted from the start and i don't want to pressurize you. You've sacrificed alot for me i don't want you to suffer anymore" he had this blank look on his face. I couldn't understand if he was joking or not.

I stared at him blankly. Not knowing what to say. He doesn't have the right to decide for not when I've just fallen for him

"You don't get to decide what i want Humaid. I've been enduring a lot through out this marriage and never complained. What makes you think you can just wake up today and think you can give up on this. When you told me you love me or was that also a joke to you"

"Amani I'm just doing this for your happiness"

"My happiness!" I exclaimed laughing cynically "now you want to think of my happiness, when I've already..... you know what just leave it. I'm going to bed" i stood up to leave but he held my hand

"You've already what? Please tell me"

"It's not important anymore" i whispered quietly already on the verge of tears.

" tell me Amani please" he kept saying. It was getting fraustrating.

"Please leave me alone. I've had enough of this" i shouted but that didn't seem to faze him he kept pleading with me.

"I'm falling for you okay, as stupid as i sound yes. I think I'm in love with you and you just had to ruin it. That's what i was going to say okay now can you leave me alone" i said and saw him smiling at me.

"What is wrong with you, why are you smiling"

"Because my love I've gotten you to admit you are falling for me and this is what all this about. It was my plan to get you to admit it by hook or by crook and i did. I'm sorry for the way i executed it though. I didn't mean to make you cry but it had to be done"

I was shocked, and angry i walked over to him and slapped him "ouch! I deserve that" i began hitting him repeatedly on his chest. "You don't get to play with my feelings like that"

He held both my hands to stop me "I'm sorry okay. I swear i didn't know you would cry. You really love me Huh" he smirked

"Let go off my hands you big bafoon" i said struggling to free my hands. Once he let me go i started picking things from his desk and throwing them at him.
"You think you're so funny, pulling pranks and playing with my feelings" i kept throwing whatever i could find at him.

"Sugarplum you need to calm down" he said dodging the pillow i threw at him.

"I won't, shut up and allow me throw stuff at you"

"Okay then crazy woman" he chuckled.

"Oh! You'll see crazy" i threw his laptop on the floor.

"Oh! No you didn't" he exclaimed.

"Oh! Yes i did i said smirking. Now since we are done here Goodnight. Have a nice time fixing you laptop" i giggled and ran to my room, i locked the door and fell on my bed. I took one of my pillows and screamed into it. He is so aggravating.


Heyyo guys Ramadan Mubarak🎉. How is the ramadan going.

Here's another chapter. I'm sorry for the late updates. Please bear with me I'll try to bring back my update schedule.🤔

Feww more chapters to go. We are almost done. I can't believe it I'm almost parting with my babies😭😭

Happy reading 🌺

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