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The next day, After sister Rukky left with her husband. Everyone began to leave. Sister nana left early in the morning because her flight was by 10am. She lived with her husband in port harcourt. Everyone left, only a few of our relatives were left behind. They are leaving tommorow too.

Faizah is moving back here by the evening. I am going over to the hostel with my cousin Abdulhamid he is driving me there so faizah and i could pack her stuff and bring then back home.

As soon as we got there, i spotted Faizah, she was waiting for us outside the hostel. I walked up to her and we went into her room. We began packing her stuff and arranging them in her big box.

"There was this guy i saw at sister Rukky's dinner. He was wearing a sky blue caftan he had the prettiest hazel eyes. My dear he is the most handsome stranger i have ever seen"

"You don't know him? You didn't catch his name or anything we could use to track your crush"

"I am not crushing on him. I am merely just admiring how handsome he is"

"You are crushing on him. I just hope you are not exaggerating how handsome he is because if you are i will end you. Although I know my boyfriendis way more handsome"

" kabir does not even begin to compare to how good Mr handsome looks"

"You really have it bad. Someone is crushing hardly on this mysterious MR handsome"

"I told you i am not crushing. Just Admiring true beauty"

We finished packing and put everything into the trunk of the car and we drove back home. On our way back home Faizah wouldn't stop teasing me about my so called crush. She kept going on about him until Abdulhamid Asked who she was talking about when she told him what was going on he just frowned and did not talk again. We told him to please take us over to his mom's place before we got back home. So he took a turn and we went to their house. We went into the house while he angrily got off the car and went to their own side if the house. The men in this house had their own section abit away from the gate.

"What is wrong with this one again?" I asked curiously. He was genuinely angry.

"I think he has mental issues. Forget the idiot let's go in " she said

We went into the house,there was no one in the living room so we went upstairs to Mummy's room. She was my mum's older sister and her husband was extremely rich. She had only two sons Abdulhamid and yaya Farhan. Abdulhamid was a year older than me and was a hotheaded not easy to please or convince human being makes me wonder how he easily agreed to pick me up the moment i called him. Then there's yaya Farhan my favourite cousin of all times.

Mummy was sitted on her queen sized royal bed. We entered into the room and sat on the sofa in her room.

"Faizah and Amani in my house today? It must be a special occasion"

"Mummy you know we always love to come visit but it's school. School always hides us. But today we said we just had to come and see you. So how are you mummy how is yaya farhan, when is he coming back"

"He is coming back today. His flight will arrive by 10pm from Houston"

"That means we will be back to collect our gifts" Faizah squealed happily clapping her hands.

"You know his wife is pregnant and he needs to be back home with her now"

"She really needs him now. Especially since she is giving birth next month"

We comtinue chatting as the maid  brought snacks and drinks for us. After being with her for a while we decided to go back home since it was almost 5pm and we should be back home by now my mom has called twice now but since we told her we wer at Mummy's house she wasn't that worried.

Mummy escorted us out and Abdulhamid drove us back home. Still angry at god knows what. We got back home and he parked my mom's car and we went into the house.

The moment i walked into the house, i saw my dad seated with two men wearing suits. I greeted them not really interested but then something caught my eye.

There he was sitted in a black tuxedo looking better than he had the last time i saw him and was mesmerised for the second time My mysterious handsome stranger.


I am excited about this. Chapter two here

Hope you like it.

Stay safely 🌸🌸

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