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It has been a week since humaid has been up i haven't really seen much of him, i just see him during his daily checks. He is doing great and will be discharged in a few days. His parents have been taking care of him so I've had time for myself this past week. I had three days off this week and went back home to rest.

Today his parents will be at home so i will be staying back with him at the hospital. Once he is discharged, his parents are going back home and we will be left alone again. ohh goodey. Note the sarcasm.

Paralyzed Humaid awake is a disaster waiting to happen. You just say one thing about walking and boom he is off like a switch about how you should be grateful you can walk or stand, like we know he is going through something bad but he doesn't have to be rubbing it in our faces every chance he gets.

I drive back to the hospital at almost 8pm, after cooking and cleaning the place his parents will stay, i served them food before heading out to the hospital.

I strolled through the halls of the hospital as I spoke on the phone with sister Rukky, it has been a while since i spoke to her.

"You are not even serious, sister Rukky" i said to her.

"I am i want my whole house to be painted maroon" you see she is pregnant and surprisingly woke up today wanting her whole house go be maroon and well her husband does not like that silly idea.

"Sister Rukky i can see that you have hit your head on a rock or something so i will call you when you are back to your senses okay, love you bye" i hung with a huff. She is one annoying lady when she is pregnant i tell you. This is her second pregnancy and this time it is worse.

I walked into Humaid's room to find him seated, furiously typing on his phone with his face scrunched.

"Amani you are here" he said dejectedly.

"Yeah i am here and please today is my day off so please be less annoying okay"

"I am always annoying to you. And don't get me started on how pushy you are"

"I'm pushy? Me?, you can't be serious. Can you please shut up"

"Why will i be quiet, you keep quiet"

"HIMAID!" I shouted "you are so annoying i could strangle you"

"Yeah, so you say everyday"

"Just sleep okay, or better still, zip your mouth or else"

"Or else what sweetie" he said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Ughh! You are so annoying and don't ever call me sweetie again it's disgusting" i shuddered.

"Most ladies love it when i call the sweetie"

"Well i Am Amani and not most ladies so" i shrugged.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded and finally, i repeat finally keeps quite.
I went back to reading the book i was holding as he typed away on his phone.

The place was quiet so i began to play surgery master on my phone, it is such an addictive game and i simply love it.

"The doctor that left here a while ago was so happy when he saw my reports. I wonder why doctors feel happy when their patients show sign of progress even if they are not related to them, i wonder what it m it feel like. Don't you wonder Amani?" He said looking at me so curious. Sometimes i wonder if he is just stupid or he forgets that i am a Doctor, his personal doctor to be precise.

I stood up and walked over to his bed and stretched my hand out him "Nice to meet you Humaid i am doctor Amani" i said and smacked his head "why do i have to wonder when i know how it feels. Stop being an idiot, idiot"

"Ohhh! Why would you hit a paralyzed man"he whispered in a pitiful voice.

"Here we go again, you can't guilt trip me you know no matter how hard you try"

"Yeah well a man could try. But on a serious note, i would like to build a hospital once i get fully well. How do you feel about being the head doctor there"

"Once you get well, we are getting divorced so you see i can't work with you but nice offer buddy" i tapped his shoulder " i might talk to my friend About it though she will be perfect for the job" i said smiling as i sat back on my seat.

After i said that, humaid only frowned his face turned sour and he kept quiet. Nothing was said after that and i began to wonder, doesn't he want me to go? I thought he never liked this marriage or me in particular so what is wrong?.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Yeah! Everything is super" he said dejectedly and looked away.

I wonder what is bothering him.

We sat in silence and i continued to play my game.

There was a knock on the door and Natsha walked in to my greatest suprise she looked like she was worried about Humaid. I kept my phone aside, this is going to be interesting.

"My love! Look at you" she said and began sniffing as if she was crying. Wow she is such a dram queen.

"My dear you look great, i heard you are paralyzed, i am so sorry about that honey, but i promise you you will be fine. I haven't been here since you were up because uhmm..... i went to india to get the best doctor to come over here to uhmm..... treat... you" she began stuttering when she saw the look on his face.
" honey why are you looking at me that way, don't you believe me, i could show you the doctor's card"

"Natasha can you please drop the act you are not fooling anyone here especially not me" Humaid rolled his eyes.

"What! Baby, what did this witch tell you about me. Honey she is lying,she is trying to get rid of me. She is trying to come between us. My love she told me that she will kill me and you and take over your company and everything you have. That's why i had to find a doctor to treat you so you can get better fast" she said. At that i looked at her shocked. The nerve of this barbie, she is such a manipulative woman.

"Is that so Natsha. For someone who wants to kill me she has been taking good care of me for six months and that too alone. It is surprising how she hasn't attempted to kill me since or may be strangled me when i was in coma. She had so many options and surprisingly i am still alive"

"Yes honey she didn't do anything because i stopped her i was always here when you were in coma, i was the one taking care of you while she was back home enjoying her life with her friends. She is a cunning bitch i tell you" she turned and glared at me. I was about to give her a befitting reply when Humaid interrupted me

"Enough! Natasha please get out of here before i call the security to throw you out" he shouted.

"Baby you can't throw me out, i..... i.......i know it's this tramps fault"

"GET OUT! NOW!" He shouted and she flinched before hurriedly packing her thing. She walked to the door and opened it hastily. She turned towards him

"Call me when you are back into your senses love" she strutted out. Humaid huffed loudly face palming.

"I am sorry about that" he whispered to me.

"It's no problem i am even suprised you would bother standing up for me" i said and shrugged. He looked deeply hurt by my words and guilt was also on his face. I am telling the truth so i didn't mind.


So Natasha is out and Amani is giving Humaid a hard time😁😁😁 hehe, he never see anything.

💃💃💃💃longest chapter so far i think.

I think Humaid has a soft spot for Amani now what do you think.

School is resuming soon and i am not ready, my brain is not prepared because i have not a single phrase since this lockdown.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

pleased vote,comment,share and follow

Love you all


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