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3 years later;

I am getting late, My friend Amina called a while to tell me that i was needed at work right now.

You see i am doing my housemanship in a private hospital (silver bridge). Once i am done and do an amazing job i will be given my certificate and i will be a certified Doctor.

I have been married for three years now and let's just say i have only seen my dear hubby four times. Twice when we arrived here 3years ago and at our anniversary dinner. I don't hear from him. I don't see him around the house. I think he and his girlfriend live somewhere else. I am always alone in the house except for the maid (Mrs. Brown). An old lady who is so kind and she has a daughter too who is about my age (Amelia). The only thing that reminds me i am married is the monthly allowance he sends. A huge sum of money which i use to pay Amelia's college tuition fees and give the remaining to Mrs. Brown for her husband's treatment. He has cancer and everymonth he needs drugs and check up. Which is very expensive so i pay for that besides Mr. Brown is a very nice man who loves his family dearly. The Browns are like my family here. Sometimes i forget i am married. No one even talks about Humaid when i am around so sometimes i totally forget all about him.

What i earn working in the hospital and from other things i do, i send that to my parents and have the rest to myself. I am proud of the achievements this past three years. I bought a car, i have a house here and back home. I have a huge resturant back home managed by my sisters. Once i finish my internship, i will get ask for divorce and go back home, get happily married and have beautiful children.

I met someone a few months back and we have a strong relationship going on. He is the son of a very rich businessman. A handsome young man who loves me dearly. Farhan is truly an angel sent from the heavens. Once we met we instantly clicked and became best of friends. He is nothing more than a friend to me but he has become a brother to me, a shoulder to cry on and i really appreciate him for that. I set him up with faizah and they are in a relationship now. He's thinking of asking for her hand in marriage once she's done with school. He truly loves Faizah and i am so happy for her.

Anisah has gave birth to a boy a a year ago and he is the cutest.

I finished getting ready, hopped into the car and drove to the hospital.

Once i got in, i looked for Amina and we began checking the patients assigned to us.

I got a call from farhan

"Hey whatsup"

"Nothing are you free later"

"Yes definitely"

"Okay I'm coming over later"

"You are BACK?!" I Shouted

"Yes beautiful i am and i bought you the most amazing gift. I'm kinda busy now Ttyl"

"Okay come soon. I have gist for you"

Can't wait to see you bye"

"Buh bye" i was excited to see farhan today. He has been away for a month on a business trip to Cuba.

I spotted Amina standing close to a ward. I hugged her.

"Amina i ate the very best chocolate cake yesterday"

"And you are telling me about it without bringing it for me"

"You could drop by at the house later and have it"

"Yayy thanks. So how is your so called husband"

"Hmm! That one!, i don't think i have seen him since our last anniversary dinner"

"I feel for you my dear. Why don't you just leave his sorry ass"

"Once I'm done with everything and get my certificate i am leaving"

"He is just a coward, he can't face you that's why he is hiding"

"You know even when we meet at the dinner's i just ignore him"

"He is something else i tell you. Let's go back to the office i have to check on the new patient"

"What is wrong with her?" I asked.

"I think something is wrong with her kidney. She might have kidney infection"

"Well goodluck with that. I'm heading over to my office i don't have any patient now. I'll be in my office when you are done"

"Okay i will be back in a while. Let me get going then".

I was sitted in my office looking at some patient files

. I heard the sound of the Ambulance pulling up at the entrance. I wonder what happened this time.

The head doctor opened my office door.

"We have an emergency let's go" he shouted.

A man was wheeled in all bruised up and bleeding profusely.

"The patient had a serious accident and is looosing a lot of blood. Prepare him for surgery immediately" The head doctor said.

I was a bit away from the patient so i moved closer to get a better view of the patient.

As soon as i saw the patient face, i shouted, tears vegan to fall from my eyes. It can't be. The once lively person i know laid there lifeless and was covered in blood and glass shards.

I ran to the closest rest room and spilled my guts out. My body was shaking profusely.

I came out of the rest room as he was wheeled to the theater.

YA Allah! Please save him.


Wow wow wow. Who could it be?.

Well here's an update hope you like it.

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Anyway Humaid has really fallen my hand and Amani is a strong woman i admire her..

Is there anything you would like to say, feel free to say it.

Stay safe🌸 and enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writting.

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