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Humaid's POV;

I looked at her as she finished talking, I don't want Amani to feel like this house isn't a place for her. I want her to feel at home here.

I know i have done alot of wrongs to Amani but i want to make everything right with her, i want this marriage to work no matter how hard it will be. I want Amani to warm up to me. I know this is going to be hard seeing as Amani can't even imagine being with me after i get well.

I know what i did was unforgivable but knowing how forgiving Amani is, i have a bit of hope. I regret what i have done to Amani everyday.

I look blankly at her lost in my thoughts.

"Uhhmm! I'm sorry if what i said was too harsh but it's the truth" Amani whispered in her sweet angelic voice. I could listen to her voice all day.

Amani is a unique person, she is kind and very bold and confident. The days I've spent with her i realised how much of an amazing person amani is. She is kind and soft hearted but bossy and pushy too when she wants to be. I shook my head at the thought of how bossy she can be. I must admit it is kinda hot when she starts acting that way. She puts one hand on her waist, her eyebrows creased, her other hand making frantic movements and pointing at me telling me to eat food or take my drugs or take my health seriously. I chuckled quietly at the thought. Only Amani can make me smile only by thinking of her.

"Hey!" She flicked her fingers in front of me. I looked up at her "why are you smiling and spacing out"

"Oh! Nothing wifey just a beautiful memory" i winked at her.

"Yeah well that was creepy and don't call me wifey. Have you forgotten Natasha" she smiled at me wiggling her brows at me.

I feigned hurt "you wound me babygirl" i said holding my chest "you know Natsha is in the past but you are my future baby" i teased.

"Humaid! I think the drugs are affecting your brain. Are you sure you are taking the right dosage?" She asked concerned.

"I am totally fine babygirl. I have just opened my eyes to a world of possibilities"

"Okay you are definitely going crazy we have to go back to the hospital. I think you have a problem mentally" she was actually serious. I was holding back my laugh.

"Oh! Babygirl you are too easy" i burst out laughing, clucthing my stomach. I wheeled myself close to where she was seating and took the remote from her hands.

"Haha very funny Humaid, it was soo funny i forgot to laugh and give me back the remote" she stretched to collect it, i moved my hand away and changed the channel to super sports.

"Give it back Himaid we are not watching football" she said in a strained voice still stretching to take the remote from my hands.

"Baby have pity on me i just got out of the hospital".

She rolled her eyes and stood up forcefully trying to take the remote from me. When she couldn't, she picked a throw pillow and threw it at my face. She picked another one abd began hitting me with it. I took the one beside me and began hitting her too. Before we knew it, it had become a full on pillow fight. We were both laughing like crazy. Amani's was winning she's had more swings at my head than i can remember and well i just let her she looked like she was having so much fun at my expense.

Finally she stopped and sat back on her seat. I was lost looking at how beautiful she looked with a genuine smile, a genuine smile i intend to keep forever. I would love to always see this smile and knowing that i made her smile will only make me happier.

"You are one crazy person Amani" i mumbled but she heard me.

"Well, as crazy as i am i got the remote didn't i and you my dear are going to watch what i choose" she exclaimed triumphantly.

She flipped through the channels and found a movie for us, Mulan. I had no choice but to watch. It  was actually an interesting movie. I thought she was going to pick something girly like keeping up with the Kardashians or wags. Well that's what Natasha would always watch.

But My Amani was different. My? I don't know where that came from but i definitely like the sound of it.

We watched the movie in silence as Amani began to yawn. She was sleepy, today has been a stressful day for her. Well she has been stressing and taking care of me since i got sick. I would like her to take some time off of work and the stress of taking care of me andtake care of herself maybe a week or so. I will have word with the hospital tommorow and see what i can do.

I looked at her and she was already fast asleep. Her head was rested on my shoulder and she looked funny. She was making wierd faces as she slept. I took a video of her. She is going to kill me for this but i can live with that. I smiled at the video i took, i have levrage against her now. That  would be good for blackmail.

I am going to make you fall for me my dear Amani.

Opration make Amani fall for me and live happily ever after is a Go.

Well it's a long name i know but who cares


Aloha everyone. A well deserved update 💃💃💃💃💃

I just want to let everyone know that i have seen your efforts towards liking, reading, commenting and adding my book to your reading list. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you and i love you all. Your comment especially they inspire me❣❣. Keep them coming, flood me with comments i would really love it. Thank you for 2k reads and 28k reads🥺🥺 on my other story i am ever grateful for the love.🤗🤗

Okay enough rambling.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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