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Going back to the Uk this early wasn't what we planned but the unexpected turn of events turned everything in another direction and here we are on the plane going back and besides Amina said i was needed at work so it isn't entirely a lost cause.

Humaid and I haven't really talked after that night and i am pleased with tgat because i don't want to have an awkward conversation with him. It's better we pretend nothing happened and go on with our lives.

I was just seated watching a movie on my laptop with headphones on. I was enjoying the peace and quiet and also the movie.

After a while i took of my headphones, paused the movie and went to the rest room i needed to pee,

Once i sat back on my seat the lady hostess walked over to me,

"Would you like to have anything ma'am"

"Just get me water."

"Okay ma'am" she turned to walk away

"And" she looked at me "call me Amani" i smiled at her.

"Okay ma.... i mean Amani" and she left.

"I see you are making friends" Humaid finally decides to talkfir the first time today.

"Well, she is nice abd better companion  than you"

"I didn't know i was that boring. I was attending to something but I'm done now and I'm all yours"

I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah! Yeah okay then do something about my boredom"

" i thought you were watching a movie"

"I'm done. I'll run mad if i watch the movies on my laptop one more time"

"Well i could be of help let's play a game"

"What game?" I asked and my water was placed in front of me.

"Twenty questions"

"Why Twenty questions?"

"I want to know you better " he said casually.

"Okay then you go first"

"What is your favourite colour?"

"I just knew you were going to ask that first. And its blue, all shades of blue. What is yours?"

"Okay that is suprising i thought you would say pink or purple you know, all those girly colour. My favourite colour is turquoise"

"I thought it would be black you know, all those guy colours"

"Okay smarty pants, favourite food"

"Uhmmm! Pasta or noodles between these two i can't decide, you?"

"sea food of any kind i just love it"

"Ewwwwww! I hate sea food"

The game kept on going and going until we began asking personal questions.

"Why Natsha?" I asked him

He liijed as if he was i thoughts before answering.
"I thought i loved her, i thought what i felt for her was love but i know now it isn't it was just infatuation"

"Why did you agree to marry me even when you found out my true intentions" he asked, okay that is a deep question

"I did it for our parents they were so happy i did not want to disappoint them. At some point i wanted to say No but i just didn't want to disappoint them"

"Okayy!" He said i saw disappointment in his eyes what did he want to hear. That i loved him? Or what.

"It's your turn ask away" he mumbled.

"Did you ever feel guilty as to what you did to me, prior to the accident?" I asked something I've always been curious about.

"I know you might find this hard to believe but i did i always felt guilty because i was with someone even if she didn't love me and  you were all alone,i deprived you of your happiness"

I huffed in response to his words. It was his turn to ask.
"Would you ever truly forgive me and give our marriage a chance" he asked looking at me intently.

"To be honest, i don't think so at this moment but i don't know. I have truly forgiven you though"

"Why do you want me to give our marriage a chance"

"Because I've grown fond of you, the idea of you being called my wife pleases me. And i would like to give it a chance if you would"

I was shocked by what he said, i never thought of anything like that. I never thought a day would come that he would say something like this.

"We'll have to see about that won't we?" I let out.

"That we will, but promise me that if you feel like giving us a chance after you finish your housemanship you wouldn't hesitate to try okay"

"I promise" i whispered.

We drifted into a comfortable silence. I turned back to my seat, relaxed and dozed off. After a while i felt a blanket put on me. Ohh! Humaid.

I woke up when we landed and the driver was there to pick us up at the airport. We drove back home in comfortable silence with Humaid smiling cheekily all the way. Once we got back home, we got everything into the house, we had dinner and just lounged in the living room watching. There was a knock on the door and i went to open it.

There by the door stood none other than little miss Barbie Natasha caked with make up as usual wearing an excuse of a dress.

What does she want.

"Get out of my way you incolent child" she said a walke past me.

Ohh! This is bound to be interesting she doesn't understand the word it's over does she.


What does Natasha want again😅😅..

I smell love in the air (wiggles eyebrows) Do you?

Happy reading, Don't forget to vote,comment,share and follow.

On another note who has seen muslimah_khadijah .

Stay safe🌸 wear your masks, wash your hands, if you can't wash your hands Sanitize, if you can't sanitize Bath😅😅😅😅 if you can't bath, i have no words na corona you wan do odeshi abi🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 las las we go dey alright.

Ps; i am not yoruba🤣🤣 and i am back to wearing face mask and carrying sanitizer around, i can't come and kill myself.

Another ps; I'm sharing onions to all my readers

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