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"Humaid i.........i...... i don't know what to say" i whispered breathlessly. My mind was blank and my heart was hammering away in my chest. I really didn't know what to say. This is too sudden he can't love me, he loves Natasha.

"You love Natasha and not me"

"I don't love Natasha for fucks sake, i love you and you Alone Amani and i have no problem with you not feeling the same way but i could totally wait for you"

"I don't think i can love you back Humaid, i can't make you wait that long for something that might not happen"

"Tell me you don't feel anything for me at all" he held my hands and looked straight into my eyes daring me to counter his words.

"I.. i.... i don't know, i think i do atleast a little bit" i stuttered

"That, is what i will hold on to, i will wait for as long as it takes"

"This isn't really smart, what if i never love you back?"

"Then I'll keep trying to make you fall for me with the last drop of my blood no matter what it takes"

"Just give me sometime to process all this. Okay! Let's not talk about all this again"

"You know i can't just shut my feelings for you"

"You have to, i need to gather my thoughts and think through this, i just want you to know that i really want to give us a chance but i need time okay"

"Okay babycakes I'll give you all the time that you need now let's go back into the house. It's late"

"Wow! It's really late and i have an early appointment tommorow, i need to  go and sleep"

"Sleep with me tonight please" Humaid pleaded. I was shocked by his request. This is a very bold step on his part. "It's just, i feel lonely alone and I'd like your company. Please say yes"

"Uhhmmmm.... okay sure let's go" i said not really sure.

A happy smile spread across his face as we made our way back into the house.
Once we got into the house, i sorted out everything i needed for work and walked over to Humaid's room.

His room was black and white themed. The room was painted white entirely with black and white curtains and a black bed with striped of white on it. The bed had white bedding and was neatly arranged. Humaid layed on the right side of the bed so that means I'm sleeping on the left.

"Hey, shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked as i lay down and pulled the covers.

"I can't get you out of my mind babycakes and you keep me up all night"

"It's too late at night to be cheesy, so be a goodboy and go to sleep"

"You want me to right?"

"Yeah, pretty much. That is why i said go to sleep, i mean it's the verb in the setence"

"Ohh! Don't pull the smarts on me. Give me a kiss if yoh want me to sleep"

"A kiss!" I exclaimed more like shouted loudly.

"Shhhhh! We don't want anyone knowing what is going on in this room right?"

"You make me want to go back to my room" i sat up.

"Okay I'm sorry but you have to give me a kiss if you want me to sleep"

"Just a kiss?"

"Yes, just that"

"Okay then" i smiled widely because he didn't specify where he wanted the kiss and well I'm smart. I leaned over to his side and pecked him on his forehead.

"There you go now go to sleep" i turned my back facing him laughing.

"You don't play fair" he whined.

"Don't be a crybaby" i giggled "Night babycakes" i giggled again.

"Night babycakes" he replied and hugged me from behind  moving me closer to him.

His hand was on my waist,my hand was on his other hand. Few minutes later i fell into a deep slumber.


The next day i woke up very relaxed, this is the best sleep I've had in while. Humaid was sleeping soundly and i peeled myself away from him.

"Where are you going to?" Humaid asked in a sleepy voice.

"I'm going to get ready for work" i said and left the room heading to mine, i took a shower and wore a black chiffon dress. With white veil and white Half cover shoes. I took my bag and went back to Humaid's room.

"I'm off to work" i said to him, he was seated on the bedside doing his morning exercise.

"You haven't had breakfast" he says looking up at me

"I'll eat when i go to the office. I really need to go" i said rushing out of the room.

"Okay bye, take care of yourself" he shouted as i rushed downstairs.

"Will do" i shouted back as i walked out the door.


Another day, Another chapter and love is in the air💃💃💃💃🕺🕺.

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