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It's almost a month since i started seeing Humaid and almost time for my big decision. Three days to be precise, three days until i decide my future and i have made up my mind to get married to Humaid although i haven't really gotten to know him much neither has he, he has convinced me to say yes, after the time he said he was busy, he spent another three days without a text or call and i decided i amnot going through with the marriage, i sent him a text saying i can't get married to him, but after that he begged me to please bear with him, he sincerely regret what he did and i forgave him. So now in three days time i am going to tell my parents that i have decided to marry him.

I just feel as if i am making the wrong decision but what can i do, it's obvious Humaid does not want this marriage and is only pretending but i want to this for my parents. His dad has promised to build my dad a company of his own once we get married and me saying No will deny my dad the joy of living a better life, atleast even if i have the worst marriage my parents will be happy and Faizah will be taken to a private university

I am sacrificing my happiness for my parents because they've struggled enough to give us what we want. I want them to be happy for once atleast.

Faizah isn't happy with my decision but she supports me.
Humaid has been constantly calling since this week to make sure i haven't changed my mind and i assured him i haven't. I don't think i feel anything for him anymore because i have come to realise how selfish he is, and i am ready for whatever he has to bring. He dies not know who Amani is yet.

Three day's later;
Faizah and i are in the kitchen cooking and preparing for the arrival of my future husband and his dad.

"Faizah i was told Humaid doesn't like pepperish food right?" I smirked holding a small container of powdered chilli.

"Yes he doesn't" she smiled evily. I hid the container in the small bag i was holding.

After cooking, i went ahead to get ready, i wore my blue atampa with orange designs it a a gown i wrapped a white veil on my head. Faizah and i sat in the room cooking up our master plan.

"Amani, Faizah come our guests have arrived" my mom yelled from the living room.

I stood up quickly and rushed to them. I greeted his dad and smiled warmly at him. After a bit of discussion between his dad and mine, his dad smiled at me

"My daughter, thank you for deciding to do this, i know we just came and changed everything for you but i promise you you won't regret your decision" he said happily, i smirked ohh! I won't regret it one bit but your son might.

Humaid was just looking dumbfounded at me. I gave him a creepy smile and turned.

" let me serve you people. I hope you are hungry i made something delicious"   i said faizah looked at me and smirked also.

I plated everyone's food not forgetting to add the more chilly specifically to my  hubby dearest's food.

Everyone began eating but once Humaid took a bite his face changed.

"Is this how you eat your meals?" He asked taking water?

"It is indeed a yummy meal my son his dad said

I just left the place and went to the kitchen smiling. This is just the beginning hubby.

So she knows. I fear for him😅😅😅

Anyways happy reading

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