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IMPORTANT; Please Read the author note at the end

Humaid's POV;

I looked up to the door way, Natasha was standing behind me.

"What do you want Natasha" i asked with a blank expression.

"Don't be like that Humaid, you know i love you it's just some jealous people who want to come between us" she said glaring at Amani

"Did your boyfriend dump you"

"Oh! Humaid you know there's no one like you in my life, that was just a moment of weakness, i was soo broken when you were in the hospital, i spent days without eating or sleeping. It was a hard time for me and he was there for me, i mistook his pity for love. I am so sorry Humaid please forgive me i am sorry i know I've wronged you" she said her eyes teary.

Amani scoffed and chuckled "yap, she was totally worried. Liar lair pants on fire" she mumbled laughing alone. It was amusing that she found this funny.

I could totally see true Natasha's act, she was pretending . If I didn't know any better i would think she is truly sorry but knowing who Natasha is i can tell you for a fact she is only pretending.

"Ohh Natasha will you ever stop pretending, wake up! we all know you are lying so save us all the trouble and get out"

"Baby i know this witch has been poisoning your mind against me but baby i promise you that all she is trying to do is get between us"
How dare she call my wife a witch.

"Firstly there's no us . And Witch! This witch that you say has been there for me when i needed her the most although i never gave her a reason to do so but you! You the only person i was willing to give everything yet you stabbed me in the back Natasha, all i ever wanted was for you to love me just like i thought i did you, but it turns out that i never really loved you atleast i thought i did then. This witch has got my back. I was willing to sacrifice my marriage Natasha to the most amazing woman ever, i was willing to give it all up for you but you just had to throw everything away well I'm glad you did because i got to realise what I've been missing out on" i smiled at Amani and stretched my hands out to hold hers. I moved her closer to me with our intertwined hands.

"So Natasha as you can see nobody wants you here so Tata bye" Amani said holding my hands tightly.

"Butt Humaid I've apologised to you just forgive me and let's get this over with" Natasha's high pitched voice almost making my ears bleed. Okay i never realised how terrible and fake her voice is and how how much make up she is wearing. Natasha is naturally beautiful i don't know why she loves caking her face with make up, i really never saw anything wrong with it until now i guess it's true what they say love is blind and STUPID.

Coming to think of it i have never seen Amani wearing makeup except for on our wedding day but if she does maybe only on special occasions.

"Natasha i know you, you are only doing this because you want something so what's it going to be a new car, a trip to wherever or money"

"Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm i.......i........ i didn't have that in mind but since you are offering, the new car does the offer still stand."

"Once a golddigger always a golddigger" Amani scoffed.

"What was that? bitch" Natasha glared Amani.

"I will not have you come into my i mean our house and call my wife a bitch. So you better respect yourself and quite frankly i knew all along you were doing all this for something so get along now i will send you the money"

"Now can you please leave and get back to your boy toy who probably can't afford to keep paying off your outrageous amount of extravagant expenses"

"Oh! Hush! Bitch you are just like me playing the innocent wife trying to get sympathy when we all know all you want is money. You are as bad as me if not even worse. You are all over him because you also want your share" Natasha hissed. Amani slapped her hard across the face.

"I am nothing like you, you hear that" Amani shouted. Natasha was left squirming like a fish.

"Calm down babydoll don't let her get to you, and as for you Natasha get out of this house and out of my life i never want to see you again. If you didn't get me well the last time, IT'S FUCKING OVER" i was getting irritated by her continous attempt to ruin my life.

She turned to leave "i might leave now but just so you know this isn't over"

"Yeah thanks for that but this is definitely over" i snickered at her.

She was finally out the door and out of my life. She really needs to learn the meaning of the word over.

"Well good riddance to bad rubbish" Amani said giggling.

"So slapping people is now your hobby huh! babydoll, i heard you also slapped your cousin few days ago maybe we should name you the slap queen. Remind me never to get on your bad side"

"Haha very funny" she said with a poker face.

"Okay! Babygirl I'm heading upstairs i need a nap"

"Old man" she scoffed.

"Seeing as I'm 3years older than you, i am not old sugarplum"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Humaid"

"Night sweetie pie" i said and wheeled myself away.

" i don't appreciate the nicknames" she shouts at my retreating form.

"Oh you will Mrs. Amani humaid"


Don't you just love these two?

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ANNOUNCEMENT 1; To all my readers who are also writers, i have something big coming your way soon. It will get you lots of reads. This will be a bit later in December.

ANNOUNCEMENT 2; I'm giving one of my readers a chance to read my next three chapters before i publish them. Someone who will not disclose the chapters to my readers because he ir she has read it.😅

It's a vip treatment like no other💃💃💃💃.

So here's how it goes, comment your favourite moment on either of my books Laila or beyond love and the best among all will be picked as the winner and get to be 3 chapters ahead of others.💃🎉🎉🎊

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DEADLINE; Friday 27th November 2020

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