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The next day we were ready for school by 7:00am i had a lecture by 8. Abdulhamid is coming to pick us up. We we outside the gate waiting for him to arrive. I called him this morning to tell him to pick us up but he was answering me weirdly coming to think of it he has been acting differently since the last time we went to his place, he hasn't been calling me. He used to call me atleast twice or thrice in one day but since that day he didn't call me again. Faizah thinks he likes me but i am not sure.

"I am tired of standing is this guy coming or what" faizah huffed. Even i am tired of standing it has been almost 20 minutes.

"Don't be a wimp. He said he is on his way"

"Yeah like two hours ago right?. I think he is just punishing us. I told you he likes you. But i don't know why he can't tell you. If you don't believe me I'll prove it to you today"

"I know he doesn't like me like that. Maybe ge was just in a bad mood that day"

"Yes and he has been in abad mood since that day. When will you realise he likes you Amani" she face palmed and as if on que Abdulhamid parked in front of us.

"Uggh! Finally" she groaned and opened the passenger side to sit while i sat at the back.

He turned to me giving me a wierd look. "Why are you sitting back there and not in front with me" he asked.

"I am comfortable here" i shrugged. Faizah snickered.

He mumbled something under his breath before he began driving. He wasn't exactly happy about the swap but who cares it's just seats we are going to get off in a few minutes.

Throughout the drove he was quite. He didn't say a word and wouldn't allow Faizah to turn on the radio. He always allows me to turn the radio on or plug my phone to the aux and listen to music but today was just different, he didn't even ask about my parents or how i slept like he usually does. I am beginning to think Faizah is saying the truth.

We got to the front of the school, once we got off the car he didn't wven wait for us to say thank you he just drove off at high speed.

"Mental issues i tell you" Faizah muttered. I laughed loudly.

We went to our various lecture halls. Once i got to where our lectures were holding, i saw Anisah my best best bestfriend.

"Babe how far. Where is your cute cousin" she was asking of Abdulhamid. He has been her crush for as long as i remember.

" That one! He has been angry since the day we came to pick faizah's things from school"

" why?. What is wrong with him" she asked as we sat awaiting the lecturer.

"I don't know for him but Aysha thinks he has mental issues or he likes me. I just hope it is not the latter"

"My crush can't like you" she said feigning hurt.

"You have a boyfriend. Fiance to be more exact and he will hear about thus shenanigans" i said

"You wouldn't dare. Besides my marriage is in 3months" she exclaimed happily.

"Say what!?. We are having a wedding" i smiled. I was happy for her.

"Yesso. We are going to dance and party like never before. You are going to be my maid of honour"

"Yeppee. I can't wait I'm so happy for you Anisah"

"What of you any special guy in your life?"

"Welll. I got a marriage proposal, if i agree i will get married in 6months to the most handsome guy on earth and move to UK"

"You've got to be kidding me. Tell me everything" she shouted. Everyone heard her and turned to look at us.

I told her everything. I truly trust anisah and her judgement she has been with me through thick and thin although her parents were alot richer than mine she was alwats with me and helped me so much. My mom has become like a mother to her since she lost her mom. She is also very close with Faizah we are a very fun Trio.

"I think what faizah said is right, get to know him first and later we can have a grand wedding. I just hope i am not pregnant by then"

I smacked her " you shameless girl"

The lecturer walked in and began teaching so we payed attention.

After all the lectures for the day, we both waited for Faizah to arrive so we could go home and Anisah's driver could take her home. Faizah came to meet us and we were ready to go but then a black Mercedes Benz E550 parked in front of us.

The car was so beautiful. Yet we were all curious as to who was in the car. All attention turned to us because everyone wanted to know who was in the car and why it was parked in front of us.

The car door opened slightly and you could hear faint sounds of music coming out of the car. The person in the car finally decided to help our curiosity and came out.

Wearing a black Armani suit with Red tie there stood None other Than Humaid Hashim in the flesh.


Chapter 5 is here💃💃💃 anticipate.

What is Humaid doing there again. Hmm🤔🤔 this guy.

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