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3 days later;

It's been 3 days humaid's parents arrived two days ago. They have been in the hospital since they arrived, i assigned one of the nurses to take care of him while his parents go back home tonight and rest. I have night shift today so i will be supervising the nurse.

Natasha is coming over in a bit since his parents are going back home. She hasn't for once said she was coming or attempted to come since he met with the accident.

It was only yesterday i switched on his phone and a few minutes later she called asking if he could send the money for her trip to Hawaii, she did not evven know what happened to him. I think this proves to us how much of an amazing girlfriend she is. For someone who claims to love him dearly she sure has a funny way of showing it..

Once they left, the nurse went over to his room to check on him. Humaid hasn't really been showing any signs of improvement, he is just breathing but isn't healing at all. A psychologist adviced that someone he is very close to should keep speaking to him and showing affection towards him was here he said it had helped some patients come out of coma faster.

Seeing as i am not in anyway close to him, i decided To talk to Natasha about it once she gets here.

A few hours later she came into the office looking like a barbie doll as always. I took her to his ward. There he was laying lifeless and the first thing this empty headed bafoon could utter was

"Humaid please get well i really need that car"

i felt as if i could smack her, she was truly something else. I can't believe I allowed this golddigger to visit him, all she is ever worried about is material things.

"Is that all you are worried about? He might never come out of this coma. Andall you can talk about is a car, A DAMN! Car"

"What do you want me to say, it's not like he has anything to offer now that he has become a vegetable"

That did it for me "GET OUT!! You have no rights to say that to someone. Atleast have some human compassion, he loved you dearly for God's sake"

"Well i think i should go. I can't babysit him, his parent's are rich enough they could hire someone to take care of him, i will be baack when he is healthy and strong and he can continue lavishing his money on me. But as for now I'll move to the next available candidate.  Adios" she blew me a kiss and walked out.

I was shocked at the sheer inhumanity she possessed. This is someone who would have given his life for her if situations were reversed.

I sat on the chair beside him, pulling up his blanket.

"Humaid, if you can hear me, you have the worst taste in women" i laughed and rested my back on the chair. I came in with a book, "The price of fame". I continued reading my book in silence.

"I might not be the closest person to you but atleast i can read this book to you, it is an amazing book, i hope you like it. Well you have no choice you have to listen" i giggled "anyways this is like my 5th time reading it but for you, I'll start from the beginning"

I began reading to him until i was called to see a patient. I pulled his blanket to cover him up since the room was a bit chilly made a dua for him before heading out.

I went to the patients room, Josaphine an elderly lady. She had cancer and was undergoing treatment, i checked up on her everyday.

"Hello josaphine, how are you feeling today or should i say tonight" i giggled

She smiled widely "i feel a whole lot better, you my dear are a blessing"

"Ohh! I'm glad i hope you've taken your medications"

"Yes i have and i are food too"

"Good! You look great josaphine. And you are responding well to treatment. Thank you for not giving up"

"You taught me tohold on and become stronger. You are indeed a great person"

I smiled at that. It warms my heart to be able to help someone even if it is just a bit.

I made my ward rounds and went back to check on Humaid. I closed the windows and drew the curtains close.

I went back to my office.


Heyyo my lovelies,

Finally we have an update schedule.

Anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter

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Stay safe sha the covud19 cases are reducing Alhamdullilah.

I can finally go for yawo to Another state.

Who wants school to resume? Because i don't 😁😁😁😁😁

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