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As soon as i got back into the room i squealed loudly and jumped on my bed.

"Faizah he is more handsome up close. And he said thank you when i took the snacks to them. He is just a total hottie. Although he ignored me after saying thank you"

"Amani calm down he just said thank you it's not like he proposed"

"You wouldn't understand Faizah his voice is just so amazing. And his dad was like super nice. But i wonder what they were doing here"

" i wonder my sister. May be his dadd just came to visit an old friend"

"Yeah i am sure that is it" i said still excited.

"Amani! Amani!" Mom called.

"Yes mommy i am coming" i yelled. I turned to Faizah "i hope i am not in trouble"

"I know you are not" she said as i opened the door to leave. I just hope i didn't get into some kind of trouble .

I went over to where my parents were.
"Mom I'm here"

"Come sit my love" she patted a small space between the two of them. I sat down

"I hope all is well mom"

"All is well" she said.

"You see my bumblebee" my dad began "My good friend that was here earlier came with a proposal"

"What proposal dad" i asked curiously

"He wants you to get married to his son humaid. But we are not forcing you we are going to give you time to decide. Whatever you want is what we'll do okay bumblebee"
I was stunned and blown away by that. I mean sure i have a crush on him and all but marriage! I am really not sure about that.

I kept wondering. "Dad, mom i don't think i want to rush into marriage. It's bearly been four days after sister Rukky's marriage and this!. What of my studies" I exclaimed

"If you agree to this everything will be sorted out and the marriage will be in six months right after your exams"

" okay, i will think about it" i said warily. I am just not sure about this whole thing.

I went back to my room and sat by the edge of the bed still in a trance. I don't know what to think do i really want to get married.

Faizah tapped my shoulder "what's wrong you seem lost"

"Faizah i just received the greatest shock of my life today"

"What happened?. Nobody is dead right?"

"Nobody is dead but my heart is in a turmoil" i told her all my parents said. She was stunned.

"This is overwhelming news. I.... i am speechless"

I sighed " i know. I just need someone to advice me, what should  i do" i face palmed. Suddenly my crush on him was reducing.

"I really don't know Amani. But my advice for you is to get to know him first then you decide maybe after a month or so"

"Yes i think that's what i will do. I will call my sisters and ask them" i said

I called my sister's on WhatsApp, sister nana said i should just think about everything and not jump into conclusions, while sister Rukky agrees with what faizah said. So i decided i want to get to know him first before anything.

The next day i told my parents what i had decided on and they were happy with my decision. If after one month i agree to Marry him, i will be transferred to a university there. My parents called them to inform them and Humaid's dad said he will fix sometime for the both of us to meet and chat and from there we will sort ourselves out. I feel as if it's his dad who wants this so badly, i just hope everything goes smoothly  because at this point i am not sure what my decision will be after a month. All i know is i have a huge crush on Humaid and a mere crush has never been a reason for marriage.


Chapter 4; Amani is between a rock and a hard place.
I see things escalating quickly in this book. What will our dear Amani decide.
We will decide an update schedule when we reach chapter 10 or so

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