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Today is saturday and it's our wedding fatiha. We had the rest of the events in the past few days.

My mom woke me up pretty early today , i took my bath and wore my beautiful blue dress. My dad and my uncles and male cousins were all tedy to go to the mosque.

I was sitted on my bed shedding tears quietly. I never thought i will go into a loveless marriage. I always thought i would get married to a man who loves me so much and cherish me. But Allah knows best.

My sisters arrived a week ago. I've had the most fun i have had in this one week than ever, Anisa also came over and my life has been amazing well until i remember that I'm getting married to the biggest jerk in the world that is when the water works start. I promised myself i wasn't going to be weak but it's hard.

Faizah and sister Rukky were sitted beside me.

"Amani you look beautiful my dear Mashaallah" sister Rukky said looking at me with adoration.

I smiled at her. She wiped the little tears had in my eyes.

"You are going to be alright little sis, you are a fighter" she held my hands in hers.

"Oh! Sis I'm not scared of getting married to him because trust me he is the least of my worries"

"I trust you" faizah said.

"I am just afraid of being in a whole new world with a total stranger" i let out a hefty breath

"I know. And i promise it's going to be alright. Now let's go and take pictures the photographer us here"

Faizah and sister rukyy dragged me to the front of the house where we took several pictures.

Few hours later my dad and the rest of the people. This only means that i am officially married to the most handsome jerk I've met in my life. But not to worry he doesn't bother me. I have him where i want him.

I was in my mom's room, laying on her lap while she patted my back quietly just like a baby.

"My babygirl is leaving today" she whispered subtly.

"Yes mom. I am going to miss you soo much"

"I'm going to miss to miss you more. I'll miss you cooking for me and your presence"

We sat there in silence enjoying my moment with my mum.

After a while i went back to my room, my makeup was retouched and i changed into a pink dress. Faizah came a while later it time to go.  My dad and my mum were already in the car waiting for me. My parents and my sister's were taking me to my husbands house. We got into the car and the driver drove off.

Abdulhamid did not attend any event since this wedding began. He was simply just angry. He told me a day to the wedding that he has always liked me more than just a cousin but his elder brother Farhan came and we danced together i mean he is my fave.

I feel bad for Abdulhamid wish he told me before everything started.

Finally we arrived to the house. Should i even call it a house, it was a huge mansion, this house was fit for a king. This would be every woman's dream house.

We went into the house and sat in the living room where Humaid, his parents and few of his relatives were sitted too.
I was silently sat there listening to everyone talk. Both parents advicing us.

Everyone left after a while and i went upstairs to change. My clothes where still neatly packed since i have no idea when we are living for Uk.

I changed into my pyjamas and prayed Maghrib. Well since everyone left i haven't seen my husband. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't be more happy not to see him.

After praying i was sitted on the prayer mat going through my phone when suddenly the door to my room was banged open.

Humaid walked in with a lady clinging to him no one has to tell me i know this is the famous Natasha. She was wearing a black jeans and white chiffon crop top.

They walked into the room. I stood up.

"Amani this is Natasha the only woman i love" he said.

"That's right baby the only one. Keep that at the back of your mind. He loves me with everything he has"

"Funny how he loves you with everything he has and yet couldn't give up his wealth for you" i smirked.

"Don't speak to her like that"

"I wanted him to keep his wealth" she held his hand tighter.

"You must be a gold digger then" i said with n evil laugh at the end.

I am ready for whatever these two idiots have to say.

"If we are done here can you leave i want to sleep" i crossed my arms looking at them pointedly.

"This is my house what i say goes" humaid shouted.

"Oh! Dear, dear, dear you are forgetting something and that is that this house is as much mine as it os yours. So get out of my room NOW!" I said sternly.

"You have no rights to shout at my boyfriend like that" barbie said. Barbie fits her because her face is caked with makeup.

"Oh! Honey he is your boyfriend but he is my husband and I'd like to see you beat that. Now goodnight guys sweet dreams"

I lay down on the bed covering my body whole body to my head with the duvet, leaving them both speechless after a while they walked out.

This is just the beginning hubby


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