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The command room was as full as you'd seen it since arriving on Crait, finding the General there accompanied by her husband, a very vocal Wookie, the 'trooper, and the one and only Poe Dameron.

Who was looking very irritated and glaring at you
with hands on his orange-jumpsuit clad hips.

"Where have you been? The General said she sent you on a supply run but you have nothing on you," he said. "So where'd you go?"

"Well hello to you too."

"Hello," Poe clipped. "Where have you been?"


Poe narrowed his eyes. "Out where?"

You swallowed. "I went to see Kylo."


Before you could even explain yourself, Poe had spun around, eyes trained on the General. "Did you know about this? Did you know she went to see him?"

Leia remained composed as usual. "Yes."

"And you let her go?"

"Yes," Leia repeated. "I did."

Poe looked back and forth between you and the General a few times, brown eyes blown wide. "Have both of you gone insane?"

"Not more insane than usual," you replied. "I'd say the healthy amount."

"Oh no you don't," Poe replied. "Don't try and be cute right now. What the hell were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous that was? Do you have any idea- OW!"

You flicked Poe in the forehead, abruptly ending his tirade. He rubbed at the spot you'd just assaulted, brows knit together.

"What the hell was that for?"

"If I had been taken captive again, I wouldn't have been able to do that," you explained cooly. "So
clearly, you don't need to freak out because I am right here and perfectly capable of physically harming you."

Poe gave a defeated sigh, his worried and slightly pissed off expression softening. "Fair point," he conceded. "But you didn't even tell me where-"

"Aren't you too busy fucking a First Order defector to be worried about me?"

Finn gasped from his position next to Chewie while Poe just scoffed. "I am perfectly capable of doing both!"

Behind Poe, Finn was staring at the two of you wide eyed and absolutely horrified, while Han failed to stifle his laughter.

Poe's cheeks went red and his eyes just about bulged out of his head again. "Wait, no, that'a not- we are talking about you right now," he sputtered. "You, not me and-

"Your souvenir 'trooper?"

"Is that what you call me?" Finn chimed in. "Seriously?"

You peeked around Poe and smiled at Finn. "For the time being."

This new thing with Finn was good for Poe. Of all the people you knew, he was the most deserving of some affection. Might even make him lighten up and not work himself into the ground.

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