Whoever You Need Me to Be

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One of my favorite chapters I've written. Enjoy :)

The sound of metal clinking woke you up. Your eyes flew open, clearly startled.

"Ah, look who's awake," you heard Kylo say.

You rolled over to face him and sat up. He was standing by your bed and had set a metal tray of food down on your side table.

At the sight of the food, your stomach growled loudly. Blush crept onto your face and you snaked an arm around your stomach trying to quiet it.

He smiled at you, tilting his head.


You rolled your eyes and looked away.

"I didn't have your lunch brought to you in case the 'troopers woke you up," he mentioned.

You heard him pick up the metal tray and you returned your eyes to him, gratefully taking the food as he handed it to you. Mumbling a quiet 'thank you', you picked up the fork and speared a piece of meat.

The blush that was already coloring your entire face worsened as you noticed him staring at you. You looked down as you chewed, unsure of what to do.

"I've had my tongue inside of you but you're embarrassed to eat in front of me?"

After you swallowed, you looked back up at him. "That's different," you mumbled, shyly spearing another bite of food.

"If you say so," he said, laughing slightly.

It was odd. He was dressed as Kylo and yet he was acting like Ben. Very different from your dream.

Shit. The dream.

Your face had to be solid red by now. Trying to empty your mind, you swallowed your food and cleared your throat. "This is the first time I've been given a fork," you announced, stealing a look at him.

He smiled. "I trust you," he replied.

I trust you too. And I shouldn't.

Silence fell again as you picked at your food. Kylo took a step forward and crouched in front of you. He picked up a piece of fruit on your plate and held it to your lips.

You parted your lips and allowed him to place it in your mouth. Letting the fruit rest on your tongue, he pulled his hand back but let his fingers linger on your lips for a few seconds.

He watched as you chewed the fruit, laughing slightly when you smiled at the sweetness.

"I haven't had fruit before either," you added.

Was he bribing me?

"I know," he replied, "but I figured you'd enjoy some."

You assured him you did and quickly took another bite into your mouth. In only a few minutes, you were done with your food, saving a few bites of the fruit for last. He brought you fresh water too, much better than the odd tasting water from the jug you'd been drinking from.

Silence fell again as you drank, him still just standing there, looking at you.

"Something is bothering you," he said, standing up to his full height.

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