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possible tw: there is eating/not finishing a meal in this chapter. not sure if this counts as a tw but i want to make sure everyone is aware. proceed with caution if this may affect you.

Kylo was placing a lot of trust in your ability to sense his Force signature.

No coordinates, no general description. No idea what you were looking for.

You trudged through the mud-covered forest floor, stepping over fallen logs and avoiding holes in the ground.

His signature had been strong enough to lead you to the edge of this thick, wooded forest, and you were praying it would be strong enough to lead out of the mud and into Kylo's presence.

Behind you, the sound of a twig snapping broke the silence. You spun around with your blaster in hand, finger on the trigger in less than a second.

"I'm starting to forget the last time you saw me and didn't immediately point a blaster at my head."

Kylo stood opposite of you, clad in a black cloak quite similar to yours. Tall and imposing as usual, but sparked a warmth in your chest. Like coming home after a long trip away.

"I didn't know it was you," you replied. "Sorry."

You holstered your blaster and pulled the hood of your cloak down, letting it fall to the back of your neck.

Kylo mimicked you, pulling his hood away and revealing his face to you. In the days since you'd seen him, he'd grown a little bit of facial hair, evidence of a few unshaven days.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed. "You came."

You made a show of pinching your arm. "Either that or this dream feels extremely real."

"I'm glad you came," he said. "I didn't think you would."

"I didn't think I would either," you replied honestly. "But obviously, I did."

He stood still for another quick moment, just looking at you, and then his cloak was billowing slightly in the wind as stepped forward. Your breath was hitching in anticipation of being so close to him after this long. In person, not through a wavering Force connection.

But he didn't stop in front of you. Instead, he gestured for you to follow him and started walking.

You walked by his side as he led you to the still unknown destination. You'd occasionally look down at his gloved hand swinging at his side, just a hairsbreadth from yours. Several times, you considered taking his in yours.

It wasn't long before what looked like a cabin came into view, tucked away in a clearing of trees. Barely visible in the dimming daylight and shrouding of greenery.

"What's this?"

"My cabin."

You glanced over at Kylo. "Yours?"

He met your gaze. "Yes, my cabin," he replied. "Did you think I was going to bring you to someone else's cabin?"

"Wouldn't put it past you."

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