A Terrified, Lonely Boy.

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You were falling into a routine.

Twice a day, you'd get food. Twice a day, a guard would come in and take you to the washroom attached to the room, standing obnoxiously close to the door while you relieved yourself. Every other day, one of your trips to the washroom would include a quick, unfortunately chilly shower. And of course, the 'trooper would stand his white armored ass right outside the door until you were redressed.

You were growing accustomed to what your daily life had become as a prisoner. The lack of privacy, the complete loss of independence. It became second nature.

And it made your skin crawl.

On day seven of you pretending that Kylo had vanished into thin air, he unfortunately came to visit you and ruined your little fantasy.

But it was different from his usual visits.

You were exiting the washroom, expecting a guard to be waiting for you with your shackles. Instead, you saw Kylo waiting for you on your bed.

"I see you're adjusting well, Little One," he said.

Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest and stayed quiet. If you stopped engaging, maybe he'd leave you alone.

"Ah, you've decided not to speak to me."


"Good," he said, "then I won't have to listen to you."

He slowly removed his helmet and set it down next to him before standing up. With a swift flick of his wrist, you were being brought towards him against your will.

You stopped a foot away from him which was still too close for your liking.

"How did you learn to use a lightsaber like that?"

You narrowed your eyes at him but didn't respond. He brought a hand up to your chin, pointing your face at his. "If you know what's best for you, you'll cooperate right now," he warned.

The look in his eye told you that he wasn't messing around right now.

Pick your battles.

"I didn't learn," you replied honestly.

He clenched his jaw. "Fine, if you don't cooperate, then we'll have to do this the hard way."

Before you could object and tell him that you were actually telling the truth, he raised his hand to your temple.

You tried as hard as possible, throwing up mental barriers. It went on for a minute or so until the pain reached a tipping point, and those barriers cracked under his probing.

Images flashed across your closed eyelids.

You were speaking with the General right before you'd left. She'd told you to stay put for a second, and when she came back, she'd handed you her lightsaber.

Naturally, you objected, saying that you had no idea what you were doing. She dismissed your concerns and pressed the weapon into your hands.

"You'll know," she'd said quietly.

The images disappeared and so did the pain of Kylo's probing. You were left laboring for breath and frantically wiping your tears.

"I told you the truth!" you yelled at him, your voice laced with anger.

He was taken aback by not only your loud voice but by the fact that you were telling the truth.

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