Welcome Back

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It was no longer just desire. It was need.

And it became quite clear to him that there was no chance of him regaining control of his life again until he had her back.

He probably could've just sent a squadron of 'troopers to retrieve the pilot, but he needed to make absolutely certain that this task went off without a hitch. So, out of extra precaution, he sent two of his Knights.

Like he'd expected, his Knights had no issue taking the pilot, having the man in their custody before the rest of the Resistance division even realized what was happening.

His boots pounded against the durasteel floors as he headed towards the interrogation chamber. Like always, all he could think about was her.

This wasn't about the pilot, as much as he despised him. No, it was only about her. About bringing her back where she belongs.

He turned the corner, cloak fluttering behind him,  and stalked down the long hallway towards the room being guarded by two Stormtroopers. They saluted him out of respect as he brushed past them, walking straight through the blast doors.

He remembered the first time he had walked into this exact room to find her restrained in the center, stripped of her stolen First Order uniform, unconscious under his spell. But unfortunately, she wasn't the one currently occupying this room.

Kylo came to stand in front of the man, staring down at him from beneath his mask. The pilot looked up at him, a mixture of hatred and fear on his face as he waited for Kylo to speak.

The man raised an eyebrow. "So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?"

Kylo didn't respond. Instead, he shoved his hand just a fraction away the pilot's face and tore into his mind with ease.

Images flooded his mind. Of her, before she walked into his life. Her and Poe, laughing and talking. Training at their base on D'Qar, fighting side by side. That day when she turned away from Kylo and ran towards the Resistance ship, leaving Kylo standing in the hangar. The engine whirring to life as he flew away with her and the traitor on board.

Kylo ripped his hand away from his captive's face, the image of her leaving making his heart shatter and his blood boil.

Poe lurched forward, gasping for air, hair matted to his forehead with sweat. He looked up at Kylo through watery eyes, his chin trembling. "You stole her," he seethed. "But I brought her home, where she belongs."

Kylo took a step forward, peering down at the pilot and resisting every urge to just finish him off. "She belongs with me," he spat, not a single doubt in his mind. "It's what's best for her."

He narrowed his eyes at Kylo. "What's best for her is to be with us, with the Resistance and as far away from you as-"

Kylo's fist hit his jaw with a sickening thud. His head snapped to the side from the impact, hitting the metal bar behind him.

He cried out, drops of blood dripping from his lips, staining his chin. Despite the pain, he looked back at Kylo through watery eyes. "She'll never forgive you if you kill me," he breathed. "She'll never even look at you if you kill someone she loves."

Kylo's breath hitched slightly. Anger filled his chest, tinged with jealousy.

This damned pilot got to be cared for by her. Loved by her.

Lucky bastard.

Kylo clenched his fists and took a step back from him, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to release
some anger. "I won't be killing you," he said flatly. "You need to be alive in order for her to come for you."

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