Anything for you

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The room was silent except for the rhythmic hum of the ship, empty except for you.

A long trip was the perfect time for peace and quiet, some time to yourself. And since it was a fairly long trip, you'd brought a book along to pass the time. Only you'd grabbed the book in a rush and hadn't realized you'd picked up a rather steamy piece of literature.

So now you were sitting on the bed in the guest room, all hot and bothered with a dirty book open in your lap.

His hand slid between her thighs, soft fingertips playing at her weeping slit. A velvety moan spilled from her lips-

"What are you reading?"

You nearly fell off the bed. As quickly as possible, you slammed the book shut and set it down next to you.

"A book."

Kylo chuckled and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Well was it on fire? I've never seen someone put a book down that fast."

"No, you just startled me." Hopefully the heat creeping onto your cheeks wouldn't give you away.

He sat down at your feet and grabbed your ankles, pulling your legs across his lap. A gloved hand ran up and down one of your legs, up from your ankle and all the way to your upper thigh.

His hand paused at your upper thigh, fingers curling inwards towards your core. "Is the book good?"

Your breath hitched. "Yes."

"Hmm." His hand moved upwards, gloved fingers teasing your waistband. "And what is it about?"


Reading cliché, possibly mind-numbing romance novels was a guilty pleasure. One that you enjoyed, but not one that needed to be shared with Kylo.

"Hmm." He reached for the book and you slammed your hand down on the cover just as his fingers brushed the spine.

He looked up at you, an eyebrow raised. "They say caring is sharing," he chided. "Not nice to keep it away from me."

He slid his hand away and started playing with your waistband again, slipping inside and brushing across bare skin. He knew exactly what he was doing; the smirk on his face made that clear.

"Why don't you read it to me then? Since you don't seem to like sharing."

You begrudgingly grabbed the book and opened it. "Once upon a time, a giant tree of man didn't know how to mind his own business."

"Funny." His fingers dug into your thighs. "Now read."


You started at the beginning of the page you were on.

"Rough, calloused hands coasted over her naked thighs and hips, reaching for the small of her waist. Lips traced the outline of her throat as his...

He hooked both hands in your waistband and slowly pulled the material down your legs and tossed them aside. His hand stroked your now bare legs, edging towards your inner thighs.

"I didn't say to stop reading."

"Lips traced the outline of her throat as his hand moved inwards, drawing a tantalizing and taunting line across her covered...

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