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The muffled whispers grew louder, clearer, the closer you came to the podium.

It held a badly damaged helmet sitting atop a pile of ashes. And something was urging you towards it.

You could hear your name amongst the clammer of quiet voices, gently calling out to you.

Placing a hand on the ashes, you closed your eyes, trying to discern what the voices were saying. But still, all you could hear was a jumble of words swirling around you.

You raised your hand out of the ashes, cautiously reaching for the helmet. The second you touched it, you instantly regretted it.

The room seemed to disappear, leaving you alone in complete darkness. A chill swept through you, freezing you to the bone.

Seconds later, you saw a masked figure in front of you. He was wearing the helmet you had just touched, before it had been damaged. You sucked in a breath as he took a step towards you.

"I was supposed to be the chosen one, too," the modified voice said, dark robes fluttering around him.

Out of your peripherals, you saw more masked men stepping towards you, three on your left, four on your right, all wearing black masks.

When you looked back at the man who had spoken, you found Kylo standing in front of you instead. The men on either side of you came to stand behind him. As you were about to take a step towards him, he ignited his lightsaber.

"I'm being torn apart," he said, the sound of his voice under his mask giving you chills. "And it's all your fault."

You stumbled and took a step back as he came towards you, weapon poised. But as quickly as he had appeared, he vanished and you heard a small cry.

Spinning around, your hand flew to your mouth when you saw where the noise had come from.

You saw yourself as a young girl standing in front of you, holding a man's hand. It was the same cloaked man you had seen before. Your father stood opposite of the two of you, crouching down to your height. He extended a hand and you cried out, turning away to hide yourself in the other man's robes.

You heard yourself screaming and crying into the dark brown robes as the man placed a hand on your head.

Tears formed in your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled backwards again, falling onto your back.

A faint voice called your name again. "These are your first steps, my girl," the man said.

Once you opened your eyes again and blinked away the tears, you were back inside of the room you'd entered, the podium looming in the center.

You looked up to see Kylo entering the small room, eyes wide as he rushed in, barefoot and still in his night clothes.

Remembering what you had just seen, you instinctively cowered away from him, crawling

He was quicker and easily reached you, crouching down to hold onto your shoulders.. You could tell he was angry, but he was concerned too. And confused, it seemed.

"Why were you in here?"

You shook your head, a sob racking your body as hot tears spilled down your cheeks. "I don't..." you trailed off, wiping the tears away. "I don't know, I, I just woke up and heard my name being called, and, and a lot of whispers and..."

The images flashed in your mind again, and you noticed your hands shaking. "I followed the whispers here, and when I touched the, the helmet, I saw things," you sputtered. "Like last time."

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