Now or Never

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You must've dozed off at some point. You couldn't deny the exhaustion that had overtaken your body. Mental, physical. To your utter relief, you opened your eyes and weren't met with a mass of black in front of you.

Sighing, you attempted to roll your head around your shoulder with your limited range of motion.


You jolted in surprise, causing you to smack your head on the metal bar supporting your back. Your ears were ringing in pain as you tried to focus your eyes agin. When you did, your beloved captor was standing in front of you. Again.

"Sleep well?"

He was masked again. You just glared at him, pressing your tongue against your cheek.

"What do you want now?"

He clasped his hands behind his back before he began pacing back and forth.

"How did you resist me?"

You rolled your eyes again.

"Well, wouldn't you know? Since you know so much about me?"

He ignored you. "How did you board my ship without me sensing it?"

You clicked your tongue. "Maybe you're not as talented as you thought," you replied.

Silence fell. It was a heavy silence as you sat there fidgeting under his masked gaze.

He was about to say something else when the door to the cell opened and an officer came in.

"Sir, Hux is calling an emergency meeting," the officer mumbled, avoiding Kylo's gaze.

An irritated sigh came from Kylo's mask. "Can it wait?"

The officer shook his head nervously. "No, Hux insists you come now," he replied.

You could tell Kylo was still annoyed, but he didn't object further. He sharply nodded at the man before exiting the cell with him.

The closing of the door echoed. Right before Kylo had exited the room, a stormtrooper had entered and was standing guard, his back turned to you.

You remembered what Leia had told you right before you'd left on your mission. Before you got caught and ended up Kylo Ren's prisoner.

It was a normal thing to say, and yet the way she said it made you feel like a small child all over again, swaddled in motherly love.

"May the Force be with you."

The words bounced around your mind, the General's voice echoing.

"The Force," you whispered to yourself, your eyebrows knitting together in concentration.

You'd heard of Jedi mind tricks, people with the ability to float rocks or something like that. Could regular people do that too?

Might as well try.

A million warning signs flashed through your mind, alarms ringing in your ears. It was a risky move, but you had no choice but to take it if you wanted to get out of here.

Closing your eyes, you clenched your fists and focused.

"You will remove these restraints, and leave this cell with the door open," you said.

You tried to sound sure of yourself, but a slight tremble was still audible.

A beat. "What did you just say?"

You heart rate sped up, anxious and discouraged that it hadn't worked. But you tried again, restoring whatd you said.

You heard the trooper move towards you, his boots heavy against the floor. The guard stood in front of you, his blaster held in front of him.

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