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Eyes closed, body submerged in the warm water, leaning back against the tub. So peaceful, nothing in the world besides you and this heavenly bathtub.

Kylo had left earlier this morning to do who-knows-what, promising to bring back breakfast for you when he returned. Meaning, you had a couple of hours all to yourself. Including the gigantic bathtub.

You thought about the night before when you had been this exact same position, except for the fact that you had been leaning against Kylo's broad chest instead of the bathtub.

It felt warm and safe to be in his arms, head resting on his shoulder. You had promised that you wouldn't let yourself trust him again and feel comfortable with him, but there you were, happily breaking that rule.

You couldn't help it though. He somehow made you feel safe and protected despite how often he got on your nerves or angered you beyond comprehension.

Your thoughts - and blissful state - were interrupted by the sound of the refresher door opening. Apparently, Kylo was finished with his morning errand.

Before you could say anything, Kylo spoke up."I didn't realize you were bathing in here."

Only problem? The voice didn't belong to Kylo.

Your eyes flew open, pure panic coursing through your body. Frantically, you tried to cover yourself up and turned around to see one of Kylo's Knights standing in the refresher, facing away from you.


"Don't worry, I didn't see much," the Knight said, raising his hands in mock surrender, his back still towards you.


Your voice echoed off the marble tiles, mixing with the sound of water splashing as you tried to conceal yourself.

"No need to yell," he replied cooly.

You were seriously tempted to get ahold of his club and beat him senseless.

"I can yell all I want seeing as you just walked in on me while I'm taking a fucking bath," you snapped. "Care to explain why you're in here right now? Or better yet, why don't you get the fuck out?"

"Master Ren did say that you had quite the mouth on you," he mused. Clearly, he was enjoying this.

You'd never actually met the Knights of Ren before, only exchanging bitter, snide comments with the two Knights that had escorted you to your room when you'd arrived a few days ago.

This certainly wasn't how you planned on formally meeting them.

"I was given strict instructions to guard the room while Master Ren is away."

"Great," you spat, "then why aren't you outside, you know, guarding it?"

Ushar adjusted the club resting against his shoulder. "I was told to check on you," he replied. "You weren't in the bedroom so I needed to come in here."

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "If I wasn't in the bedroom, then the logical conclusion would be that I was in the bathroom."

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