Sensibility & Sentiment

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You sat on a large, fallen branch, drinking from your nearly empty water flask.

From someone else's perspective, it probably seemed like you were just exhausted from training. That was partially true, considering you'd been nonstop training for two weeks, starting hours before and staying hours after your lessons with Luke each day.

But your exhaustion was caused by more than just physical exertion and a lack of sleep.

Sighing, you raised the flask to your lips, tilting your head back and drinking the last bit of water left. It was still cold, soothing the burn in your throat and chest.

The silence of the forest was interrupted by the sound of boots and the crunching of leaves. Looking up, you quickly found the source of the noise, his bright orange jumpsuit quite prominent against the greenery.

It was the last person you'd expected to see walking towards you considering not a word had been exchanged with him since that night in your room.

Wordlessly, he walked towards the branch you were using as a seat and sat down next to you, releasing a loud sigh as he did.

He was facing forwards and you stole a glance at him, wondering if you should say anything. He seemed relaxed, much to your surprise, a calm expression on his face as he sat there. 

"How's training going?" he asked suddenly, picking up a twig from the ground and twirling it between his fingers.

Your eyes widened slightly. You hadn't been expecting him to reach out first, and you especially hadn't been expecting him to ask such a casual question given the situation.

"Good, actually," you replied, fiddling with the empty flask in your hands.

"Good," he replied, flicking the twig he'd picked up back to the ground.

He paused for a second, looking up at the tree looming above. "I talked to the General," he murmured, still facing forward.

You felt to body tense, a surge of dread rising in your chest. Obviously this conversation was coming, but you still weren't exactly excited for it.

"Oh," you replied lamely."

Poe took a deep breath. "She told me that she delayed your rescue by a couple of weeks," he continued. "She said that she sensed a change in Ren, that he was less violent, something about his energy through the Force or whatever."

"She told me that too," you said. "It's true, you know."

He inhaled deeply. "I'm sure it is true, considering you weren't killed immediately after you were captured." He paused, shaking his head slowly and turning to look at you. "But I don't care what she thinks, if I'm being honest. Every minute he was changing because of you, you were changing because of him."

"Poe, that's-"

"Let me finish." His voice was firm yet still soft, like a father reprimanding his child.

"You couldn't have stayed with him. I don't care what the General thinks, there was no way I could have left you there," he continued, his eyes searching yours. "I made it clear that I'd do anything to get you home."

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