Then Help Me Understand

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You were in one of your usual spots when Kylo came in. Leaning against the wall, looking out of the small window.

After the little incident, you assumed Kylo had instructed the 'troopers not to restrain you because each day when they came with your food, they didn't bring shackles with.

They left the washroom unlocked too, except they still didn't allow any water to run through the shower. Apparently, your captors must've thought you'd drown yourself standing up.

He was giving you more leeway, a water downed version of independence. It wasn't much, but it hadn't gone unnoticed.

The noise of him entering made you turn your head. A snarky comment formed on your tongue out of habit but you held it back when you saw him standing in the center of the room.

He looked haggard. His mask was off, his hair was slightly messy, dark circles hung under his eyes.

"You shouldn't have seen any of that," he whispered.

He sounded young, almost. His voice was still deep, but he sounded like a child that got caught stealing a cookie.

"I know," you replied. "But I'm glad I did."

His eyes snapped up to yours, searching you.

You wanted to bring up everything you'd seen, ask him a million questions. Especially about the way he'd carried you back to the ship when you almost drowned.

You decided on a less threatening topic. "Why did I feel your emotions so clearly?"

No emotion appeared on his face. It was blank, any sign of vulnerability that you'd seen gone. "I'm not sure yet," he replied.

Yet? What did that mean?

You didn't want to press any further, sensing that he wasn't in the mood to talk or field any more questions.

A silence fell. It was suffocating, loud, uncomfortable. You were sure this was a bad idea, but you took a deep breath and said what you wanted to say anyways.

"You're not too far gone, you know," you said quietly. "You can still come back."

He closed the gap in between you in two quick strides, effectively trapping you between him and the wall.

"You don't understand," he seethed. "You don't know the half of it."

Your lip was quivering slightly, but you held your ground."Then help me understand."

He was shaking with anger, eyes darting across your face. His breath was loud, his nostrils flared as he looked at you. Unsure of what to do next. What to say.

After a minute, he calmed down slightly.

Silently, he brought his hand close to your stomach and gestured for you to take the glove off. You did, shivering when you came into contact with the bare skin. You dropped the glove while your eyes stayed locked on his. He brought a hand to your temple and gently pressed into your skin, closing his eyes.

Your eyes flew shut as images flooded your mind. Kylo was asleep on a small bed, nestled under a blanket. By the lack of a permanent frown on his face, you knew that this was before Kylo Ren took hold inside of the boy that used to be Ben Solo.

The scene was quiet until the blue glow of a saber came into view behind Ben's sleeping form and you saw a man holding it.

The man was going to kill Ben.

You focused in on the figure and nearly fell over when you realized it was Luke Skywalker. The Luke Skywalker. Legendary Jedi master, son of Darth Vader.

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