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Hi, here's our new chapter! I haven't gotten a lot of comments so I'm not sure how we're all feeling about the story right now but I hope we don't all hate it! lmao anyways enjoy!

You knelt by his side, his head on your lap.

"I'm right here, Ky. I'm here."

His eyelids fluttered, breathing shallow. You ripped away the blood soaked material of his tunic to reveal the gash. A deep gash, covered in an unnerving dark layer of crimson.

"Open your eyes for me. Please, open your eyes."

He groaned, tilting his head to the side. You felt the heat of his breath on your thigh before the sound of your name falling from his lips hit your ears.

You could feel a tear sliding down your cheek and obscuring your vision. You extended a shaky hand, placing it over that sickeningly red wound. But you didn't care the his blood was drenching your hands.

You sucked in a sharp and painful breath and channeled led every ounce of your life and energy into your hand. Envisioning that wound closing up, revealing the perfect, unblemished skin that should be there. The skin your hands had danced across at night. The skin pressed against you every morning when you woke up.

Minutes passed. You felt the energy draining from your body and dropping into his.

Almost there. Just open your eyes, Ky.

When you looked down at him, you found smooth unpunctured skin underneath your hand where it was a bloody mess just moments ago. Your eyes darted to his face, expecting to see him looking at you. Those honey amber eyes locked on yours. The only thing that mattered to you when he looked at you.

But his eyes were closed. And his breathing was shallow. Was it shallow? Was it even there?

You choked on a sob, cradling him as best as you could. And then a sob cracked your chest open and you crumpled over him. Shaking him as your entire frame rattled with cries. Throttling him to make him open his eyes.

"Ky, please. Please just open your eyes."

You kept shaking him, more violently with every second. He had to open his eyes. He just had to look at you and then everything would be ok.

"Please!" Your throat was raw, yojr voice splintered with tears. "

"Kylo, please! Kylo!"

You felt arms yanking at your shoulders trying to pull you away. Poe was tugging you backwards, trying to detangle you.

"No!" you screamed. "I'm not leaving him! He's going to be fine!"

You brought a hand to his dirt covered face, looking down at him through tears and debris.

He looked so peaceful. Asleep. He was breathing. He had to be breathing. He would always be breathing.

You felt Poe tug at you again. You wailed and screamed even louder, clutching onto the body in your lap.

"Ben! Please, Ben! B-"

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