I Love You, By The Way

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First off, thank you for your patience. Things were so busy and hectic but it's here now! This is our climax here, and there are only a few more chapters to go.

Warnings: Descriptions of violence, fighting, and blood.

A guard wasn't due to escort you to your designated trip to the refresher for at least another ten minutes, and yet the door to your cell opened anyways.

In walked a uniformed man, devoid of clunky white armor. Hat on, pulled down low over his face. Real twitchy.

You just barely got a glimpse of his face as he walked to the control panel against the wall. He looked familiar for some reason.

The ride to Corellia. You'd woken up, drowsy from the drug. He was there. The one who was kind to you.

"It's Dopheld, right?"

He nervously glanced over at you, peering out from underneath his cap, before returning his attention towards the control panel.

"Dopheld Mitaka." You sat up straighter, chains rattling. "That's your name, isn't it?"

More twitching. "Yes."

"Lieutenant Mitaka," you corrected. "I remember you."

What may have been a smile appeared at the corner of his lip, just barely visible in your view of his side profile. "I remember you as well."

"Why are you doing this?" you asked quietly. "Why are you helping Hux?"

Mitaka halted his movements at the control panel, headed for the door, and left without another word.

You let out a defeated breath as the door slammed shut, swallowing your saliva to try and wet your scratchy throat. Hux wasn't exactly generous when it came to meeting your basic needs to keep you alive. Water maybe twice a day along with some revolting excuse for food.

Then the door opened again and in walked Mitaka for the second time. He locked the door behind him and made his way to you. A flask in his hand as he crouched down beside you.

"Here." Mitaka unscrewed the flask. "Drink this."

Like he read your mind or something.

Mitaka placed the flask at your lips, his other hand supporting the back of your neck, and tipped the water into your mouth.

You greedily drank, sighing as the cool water slid down your painfully dry throat. Mitaka held the flask there until it was completely empty, every last drop.

"Thank you, Dopheld," you murmured. "I really needed that."

He returned a tight-lipped smile and a curt nod as he replaced the cap of the flask. You couldn't see into his thoughts, but you may as well have with the way his body language betrayed him. Those twitches and constant flinching a betrayal to his nerves. Conflict about what he was doing.

You wanted to keep him engaged, to see if you could pull anything from him before you carried out your plan.

"Did he actually let Poe leave?"

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