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Our conclusion. I'm not crying, it's just allergies. I swear.

I won't keep you waiting; my sappy spiel is at the end.

Enjoy my loves. x


Kylo kept his promise, and you two started with Naboo.

It'd taken two full months for you and Kylo to fully heal from your collective injuries. A reasonable amount of time given the fact that both of you had been inches from death at one point. Now, you two were better than ever.

It really felt like a dream, sitting in a cool meadow next to Kylo, wearing a flowy white dress that clung to your damp skin rather than boots caked in mud and a holster at your waist. Watching the sunset on Naboo rather than watching a war reach it's climax on a desolate, bone-chilling planet.

You'd dreamt of something like this, but it had always been just that—a dream.

But now, it was real. A dream come true, as cliche as it sounded. You and Kylo had been living in the galaxy's most beautiful hotel room on the most beautiful planet you'd ever seen for the past couple of weeks. Now lounging in a secluded meadow beneath your balcony after taking a dip in a small, refreshing lake.

Couldn't get better than this.

You glanced over at Kylo who was leaned back on his elbows, eyes closed and face upturned towards the sun. The most peaceful state you'd ever seen him in. Brown linen shirt unbuttoned, hair hanging off his shoulders, one hand holding one of yours.

Kylo was the name you'd stuck with. You could've called him Ben or Kylo; he answered to anything. But you stuck to the former.

He'd gone by Kylo when you fell in love with him, and it only felt right to honor it.

Ben was a boy born into unrealistic expectations. Given a legacy to fulfill before he could walk. Kylo was imperfect. Broken, battered. But Kylo was human, and complicated and was more than what he appeared. Kylo was like you. Kylo was yours. Kylo was someone you understood.

"I can feel you staring at me, Little One."

One of Kylo's eyes opened and peeked at you, a smile fighting its way onto his lips.

You had definitely been staring, but how could you resist?

"Maybe," you admitted. "So what if I am?"

He leaned over and placed a kiss to your lips that warmed you even more than the gentle rays of the sun.

His hand stayed on your cheek even after he drew away, thumb drawing slow circles into your skin. A habit of his you adored.


"Yes please," you replied with an eager nod. "I'm starving."

Kylo stood up first and offered his hand to help pull you to your feet. Always a gentleman. But
something fell out of Kylo's pocket as he leaned down to help you up, a small little pouch that landed softly on the grass.

"Hey, you dropped- oh."

Kylo had frantically called the pouch into his hand and shoved it in his pocket before you could even lean back down to grab it.

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